Why is he Suddenly so Keen to Build a Wine Cellar?

Newsletter & Prompt #2 | Sharing Love and Intimacy Below Stairs

✍ Posy Churchgate
Tantalizing Tales
Published in
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5 min readJun 12, 2022


Image by Roland Marte from Pixabay

“I’m thinking of building a wine cellar,” Robert announced.

I was gulping down my coffee, worrying that our daughter Shannon would be late for school and checking my laptop bag for my charging cable. I didn’t give the idea much thought.

“Sounds great,” I offered non-committally, before setting off for work.

Stuck in a bottleneck of traffic that occurred on my route into work, I began to wonder what Robert was up to. We hardly drink wine. I hoped he wasn’t planning to invite Judy and Nigel over for a boring night of wine and cheese.

When I got to work, I just had time to send him a questioning text “wine cellar?” before I was waylaid by Martha from HR.

When I next looked at my phone he’d texted his reply, “it’s code.”

“For?” I pressed send.

“Sex dungeon” the message came back, followed by emoticons of a snickering demon, a dancing woman, a splash, an egg plant, a peach and the clapping (I’ll bet he meant slapping) hands.

Instantly I felt flushed and giddy with excitement, my man knew how to make my panties dampen.



✍ Posy Churchgate
Tantalizing Tales

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