TaoDust Believes Your Idea May Be Worth More Than You Think

Crowdfunding with TaoDust
4 min readJun 23, 2019

What stops the average person with a million dollar idea from cashing in on it? Funding!

Most people lack the sophistication or knowledge to raise the type of startup capital to take their idea to the next level. Filing the registration which allows you to find investors for your company is a complicated process which can leave many would-be entrepreneurs feeling defeated. This is why innovation is often left untapped due to the high barrier of entry of raising funding.

Many inventors and entrepreneurs think that their idea isn’t worth chasing… They are dead wrong.

If you’re like most inventors or entrepreneurs, you have to operate on a very budgeted expense account and often need additional funds in order to take your from the drawing board into the boardroom!

The Power of Alternative Finance

When your business or startup doesn’t quite meet the bank’s requirements for a conventional loan, or you just want to stay out of debt by offering shares of your company, then holding an equity crowdfunding campaign for your idea may be a viable solution for your funding needs. Equity-based crowdfunding is different from Indiegogo or Kickstarter and their rewards-based platform.

When organizations can offer the same perks that come with the ability to raise funds from public investors through equity-crowdfunding, the process turns project backers into shareholders.

With equity crowdfunding, your idea has just been transformed from a charity-case into an investable idea!

Remember that equity-crowdfunding campaigns are not just a fast track to capital or product validation. A successful crowdfunding campaign is like any other marketing project your company might undertake. It takes strategy, planning, and, above all, the willingness and effort to make it a success. How you go about reaching potential investors, partners, and end-users will make the difference in long-run in how much funding your project will receive.

Platforms such as IndieGoGo and Kickstarter and popular due to their convenience but are also known to limit the amount of capital the project can raise. One study shows that using the wrong platform or consulting group to launch a crowdfunding campaign can cost start-ups nearly 90% of the potential funding that they would have received if using a more suitable mechanism to market to potential investors. Though there are often upfront fees or equity distribution requirements for the startup using such services, they are minimal in comparison to costly Venture Capital and Financial Institutions. Alternative finance such as equity-based crowdfunding is giving startups a level playing field to achieve their financial goals through realistic valuations.

One of the most successful crowdfunding campaigns in history, the DAO or Digital Autonomous Organization, is making an example of a new way for companies to operate, distribute profit, and handle ownership rights. Typically, equity-crowdfunding provides private companies to raise funds through unaccredited investors but leaves those securities illiquid due to a lack of secondary market. By combining Tokenization as DAO attempted with the legal compliance of Equity-Crowdfunding, liquidity is brought to private-equity through accessibility to the emerging cryptocurrency marketplace. This means that your idea and more importantly, the equity which it represents, will not suffer heavy discounts due to long exit periods and a small investor pool.


Tokenizing assets on the blockchain through a platform such as TaoDust allows for organizations seeking startup capital to reach their full funding potential by offering private-equity as a tokenized security to a global marketplace. This is revolutionary as it has been non-existent in the past and only now emerging as a legal complaint of issuing securities to unaccredited investors. While still a speculative venture, the early success of cryptocurrency crowdfunding campaigns are disrupting traditional finance and changing the face of investing for the average person.

If you once thought that your idea was not worth pursuing, innovations in financial technology have made new options available. TaoDust is one of these alternatives to traditional finance. By issuing security tokens on the Ethereum blockchain, TaoDust enables startups to offer private equity now through crowdfunding while offering investors the ability to take those shares to secondary markets.

More Information

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To learn more about the TaoDust tokenized crowdfunding platform please visit our website.

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