TaoDust to Compete at Malta AI & Blockchain Summit in STO Battle

Crowdfunding with TaoDust
3 min readMay 23, 2019

The Malta AI & Blockchain Summit is a two-day extravaganza of disruptive technology. On Thursday, May 24th members of the TaoDust team will be present and in the company of notable guests such as the Prime Minister of Malta Joseph Muscat and Parliamentary Secretary Silvio Schembri.

CEO and Founder, Alan Tonetti, Co-Founder & Blockchain Developer Federico Calarco, Business Development Manager & Co-Founder Gabriele Puleo, Massimiliano Spina Co-Founder, and Social Media Manager Alessandro Sanfratello

Other recognizable names expected to be in attendance are founder Bobby Lee, Roger Ver, and Tim Draper. The stage is set to take the opportunity to familiarize the audience with the TaoDust vision of Equity Crowdfunding 2.0.

To comment on their attendance at the 2019 Malta AI & BC Summit, TaoDust CEO Alan Tonetti remarked,

“Being present at the Malta Blockchain Summit is a source of great pride for us. First of all because it is now one of the most important blockchain and cryptocurrency events in the world.

Secondly because being able to officially present TaoDust to the general public is signifigant in that it means our platform has been acceptade as viable usecase for blockchain technologies. Equity Crowdfunding through tokenized assets is the next step in digital economies; it has the ability to touch the life of each of us…”

TaoDust is an Equity Crowdfunding solution which takes advantage of existing blockchain technology and the tokenization of assets; issuing security tokens in the process. Programable-Assets on the blockchain have made it easier than ever for startups to offer equity in their private company to the global community of both accredited and unaccredited investors. Suddenly, the value locked up in corporate and personal balance sheets can be cheaply and easily monetized.

“We decided to walk this path of using a security-token model to fund our own project because we recognize the cooperation betwen serious projects raising startup funding on the blockchain, and governments like Malta who have proven to look to the future by providing framework which helps these startups do so in a regulated manner that protect investors…”

During the summit, TaoDust will participate in the highly competitive STO Battle. The Malta Summit and its Security Token Competition have been an excellent proving ground for early-stage projects connecting participants to an audience of investors, influencers and policymakers.

The projects participating in the STO Battle are all very valid and the competition is fierce but regardless of what the final result will be, we are proud to have been selected to present TaoDust in front of such an important and prepared audience as the Malta A.I. & Blockchain Summit .

By demonstrating a viable use-case for providing startups with an easy-to-use template for issuing securities, TaoDust is redefining the capital raising process with smart-contract automation on the Ethereum blockchain.

More Information

For the latest events from the 2019 Malta AI & Blockchain Summit or the TaoDust platform, please follow our blog.

To learn more about the TaoDust tokenized crowdfunding platform please visit our website.

If you wish to chat with the team about your questions please visit our telegram channel

For general updates about the platform, please follow us on Twitter.

Press and partnership request email info@taodust.com

