Taoist Farmer

By: Kiitos and Thon Ly

Tao of Love
2 min readMar 12, 2018


There lives a Taoist farmer who loves his white horse very much.

His neighbor can see how much he cares for her everyday.

One day, the farmer’s mare runs away.

Noticing the mare missing, the sympathetic neighbor decides to console the farmer:

I can see that you love your mare very much, so I’m sad too that she ran away.

To which, the Taoist farmer calmly replies:

How do you know it is not good luck?

Several days later, the mare returns back with a black stallion.

Overjoyed by the sight, the neighbor hurries to congratulate the farmer:

I can’t believe your mare returned back to you, and even brought with her a sturdy companion!

It delights me very much to see you with two beautiful horses.

To which, the Taoist farmer calmly replies:

How do you know it is not bad luck?

Several weeks later, the farmer’s loving son comes to visit his father.

Enamored by the strength and beauty of the stallion, the son attempts a ride.

Wild and strong, the stallion throws the son off, breaking his leg permanently.

When the terrible news reach the neighbor, he feels compelled to console the farmer:

I heard your son tried to ride the stallion, but broke his leg instead.

I know how you must feel because I have a son too.

To which, the Taoist farmer calmly replies:

How do you know it is not good luck?

Several months later, civil war breaks out in the country.

Government officials march from door to door, enlisting every able-bodied men to help fight in the war.

They stop by the farmer’s house and ask for his son.

Seeing that he is crippled, they do not want him.

Hearing the good news, the neighbor goes to congratulate the farmer:

You’re so lucky that they didn’t take your son away!

They took mine without a care.

I’m afraid he will get killed, and I’m getting old.

To which, the Taoist farmer calmly replies:

How do you know it is not bad luck?

And so on and so forth…

Because life continues with or without us, we will never know anything for sure.


Flow with the Mystery that is Life.



Tao of Love

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