Announcing Projected NFTs: Unlocking the Potential of Cardano NFTs in Paima Engine Games

Tap In With TapTools
Tap In With TapTools
3 min readJun 13, 2023


Allowing usage of Cardano NFTs directly from Paima games on any chain

On-chain games and autonomous worlds commonly rely on sidechains or layer 2 solutions to optimize their performance. In this particular project, Cardano NFTs hold significant importance within these virtual environments. However, a challenge arises when engaging with various projects that seek to deploy their games on high-speed chains specifically designed for gaming, such as Milkomeda. Unfortunately, this approach restricts users from directly utilizing their NFTs from popular Layer 1 blockchains like Cardano within these games. Furthermore, users are hesitant to bridge their NFTs across different chains due to associated risks, making projected NFTs the ideal solution to both asset security and interoperability.

Introducing Projected NFTs: Interoperability and Innovation

To tackle this problem, Paima Studios, in collaboration with the Aiken team, has developed a groundbreaking system called Projected NFTs. This innovative solution allows users to project their Cardano NFTs directly into Paima Engine games running on Milkomeda, Cardano’s EVM sidechain. The best part? No bridge is required! With Projected NFTs, users can seamlessly utilize their Cardano NFTs in Paima games without the need for complex bridging mechanisms. This opens up new possibilities for NFT gaming and interoperability, empowering users to engage with their favorite games and retain full custody of their valuable NFT assets.

How Does Projected NFTs Work?

The core concept behind Projected NFTs is the “Hololocker.” Users can place their Cardano NFTs in a timelock on the L1 chain, which acts as a secure locker for their assets. Once the NFT is locked in the hololocker, it becomes usable directly in the Paima game on Milkomeda. Users can enjoy the benefits and functionalities of their NFTs within the game while still maintaining full control over their assets.

The Projected NFT Whirlpool, a Plutus smart contract developed by Paima Studios and the Aiken team, enables this seamless projection of Cardano NFTs into Paima Engine games. By eliminating the need for bridging and preserving custody of the NFTs, Paima Studios ensures a secure and user-centric experience.

A Step Towards a Full Experience

The release of the Projected NFT Whirlpool contract and its design represents just the first step toward realizing the full potential of Projected NFTs. Paima Studios has ambitious plans to further enhance the user experience and bring this innovation to life fully.

Paima Studios intends to apply to Cardano’s treasury to seek support in advancing and refining the Projected NFT system. By leveraging the resources and expertise available through Cardano’s treasury, Paima Studios aims to create a comprehensive and immersive experience for users, unlocking the true potential of Cardano NFTs within the Paima gaming ecosystem.

Implications for Cardano’s Ecosystem and NFT Gaming

The introduction of Projected NFTs has significant implications for Cardano’s ecosystem and the broader NFT gaming space. By enabling the direct usage of Cardano NFTs in Paima Engine games running on Milkomeda, Paima Studios positions Cardano as a prominent player in the world of onchain games and autonomous worlds.

This innovation promotes interoperability and eliminates the barriers that previously hindered the utilization of Cardano NFTs in gaming environments. Users can seamlessly integrate their valuable assets into the Paima gaming experience without compromising custody or resorting to complex bridging mechanisms. The direct usage of Cardano NFTs in Paima games not only adds value to the ecosystem but also enhances the overall gaming experience for users.

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