World Mobile Token Bridges to Other Blockchains: Paving the Way for Interoperability

Tap In With TapTools
Tap In With TapTools
5 min readAug 4, 2023




World Mobile, a blockchain powered telecom project has recently announced its ambitious plan to create cross-chain bridges to two of the most popular blockchains in the crypto space — Binance Smart Chain (BNB Chain) and Ethereum. These deployments are a crucial component of World Mobile’s multi-chain strategy, designed to expose more users to their swiftly expanding ecosystem. By enabling the secure and convenient movement of World Mobile Token (WMT) between Cardano, BNB Chain, and Ethereum, the project aims to foster greater interoperability and inclusivity in the blockchain world.

World Mobile’s Cross-Chain Bridges

World Mobile Token (WMT) has set its sights on cross-chain interoperability, with the intention of bridging to two prominent blockchains — Binance Smart Chain (BNB Chain) and Ethereum. This strategic move is a significant step forward in the project’s multi-chain strategy, with the aim of creating a more interconnected and versatile ecosystem. By introducing WMT to existing users of BNB Chain and Ethereum, World Mobile enables more participants to engage in various services within the sharing economy, from content and finance to healthcare, insurance, micro-loans, staking, and running EarthNodes.

The advantages of these cross-chain bridges are manifold. Firstly, existing users of BNB Chain and Ethereum gain access to new opportunities within World Mobile’s ecosystem, broadening the scope of the sharing economy and making its rewards accessible to a wider audience. Moreover, the increased liquidity for WMT facilitated by the bridges makes it more convenient for users to enter and exit positions efficiently.

The integration of BNB Chain and Ethereum into World Mobile’s cross chain ecosystem after the recent addition of the Conflux Network demonstrates World Mobile’s commitment to building a sustainable ecosystem, where a diverse community can actively participate in shaping the future of network infrastructure and data.

Zachary Vann, Head of Token at World Mobile, expresses enthusiasm over the cross-chain bridges, stating, “We are delighted that World Mobile Token is now bridging to both BNB chain and Ethereum, two of the most influential and innovative blockchains in the crypto space.” This move exemplifies the project’s dedication to inclusivity, providing individuals worldwide with the opportunity to participate in a revolutionary blockchain ecosystem.

World Mobile Token employs ChainPort, a proven platform that ensures secure and efficient token bridges. With 95% of funds stored in cold storage wallets, supported by multi-sig and MPC capabilities from Fireblocks and Gnosis Safe, the project enhances security and protection against potential threats. The Private Bridge feature further fortifies security by utilizing shared keys with a multi-sig system to access cold storage, instilling user confidence in the safety of their assets.

This strategic move towards cross-chain interoperability embodies the future of blockchain technology. By fostering connectivity between different networks, World Mobile Token opens the door to innovative collaborations and resource-sharing among diverse platforms. The project’s commitment to inclusivity and sustainable development sets a precedent for a global blockchain community, where digital infrastructure is accessible to all, ultimately contributing to a more integrated and interconnected world.

Liquidity Boost for Cardano Ecosystem

Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain are highly popular and widely used smart contract platforms in the cryptocurrency industry. Ethereum boasts over $23 billion USD in Total Value Locked (TVL) and 350,437 active users in the last 24 hours, while Binance Smart Chain has a TVL of just over $3 billion USD with 1.27 million active users in the same period. By connecting with these popular chains, World Mobile brings significant liquidity into the Cardano ecosystem. As users bridge their WMT back to the World Mobile sidechain to interact with the network, it can lead to further interest in other parts of the Cardano ecosystem.

The Future of Interoperability

Interoperability has emerged as a critical factor in the blockchain industry’s evolution, and World Mobile Token’s cross-chain bridges to BNB Chain and Ethereum exemplify the project’s commitment to advancing this paradigm. As blockchain technology continues to mature and gain wider adoption, the need for seamless connectivity between different networks becomes increasingly apparent.

World Mobile’s move towards establishing cross-chain bridges signifies a pivotal step in achieving blockchain interoperability. By enabling the secure and efficient movement of assets between Cardano, BNB Chain, and Ethereum, World Mobile Token contributes to a more interconnected and versatile ecosystem. This connectivity will empower users to access a broader range of decentralized applications (dApps), products, and services across multiple platforms, fostering an environment of collaboration and innovation.

Interoperability reduces barriers for new projects and initiatives seeking to leverage the strengths of different blockchains. Developers can integrate functionalities from diverse chains, optimizing for specific use cases and performance requirements. This approach encourages the cross-pollination of ideas and the sharing of resources, driving collective progress in the blockchain space.

We asked World Mobile Community Advisor FIFTYONE if users from other blockchains will need to bridge their tokens back to the World Mobile sidechain if they wish to stake their WMT, to which he replied: “ Cant speak to all of the details on how it will work yet but the end goal is to be able to stake and eventually run a node on the Aya sidechain by holding an NFT on any bridged blockchain.”


World Mobile Token’s decision to build cross-chain bridges to BNB Chain and Ethereum stands as a testament to their dedication to creating a more inclusive and sustainable blockchain ecosystem. By bringing WMT to two of the most influential blockchains in the industry, the project not only increases its reach but also expands the possibilities for users and developers alike.

Through their multi-chain strategy, World Mobile Token is positioning itself at the forefront of the blockchain industry’s evolution. Their commitment to interoperability, inclusivity, and sustainable development paves the way for a future where decentralized networks work seamlessly together, unlocking boundless possibilities for global adoption and transformative impact.

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