Making Crypto more Welcoming

TAP Official
Published in
3 min readNov 17, 2018

At TAP, our development and operations have a clear purpose: to empower the Crypto community. While it may seem clear that we aim to do so by making it possible to transact your crypto at any point, we offer much more than that.

A standard service in the Crypto community that remains an important part of community interactions is the exchange. Exchanges enable the community to have the freedom of swapping to the currency they want, but perhaps more importantly, they give people convenience. Rather than going about the city, searching for someone who may be willing to buy one’s crypto for another, a person can just use an exchange to make the transfer.

Exchanges provide flat convenience but there’s one hick-up. Most exchanges hold a limited set of coins and tokens. Moreover, while major coins may be listed on most major exchanges, there may be differing prices and levels of liquidity at each exchange at any point of day. It’s well-understood that there’s plenty of major arbitrage opportunities in the Crypto market but it remains challenging to take advantage of them since it takes a good bit of time to hop from 1 exchange to another, just enough time for the prices and liquidity to completely change.

TAP’s not a trading app, but it is an app that intends to empower the Crypto community and allowing people to pick the highest sell price for their holding is an easy way to empower the community.

Settle for only the Best Offer

Given the inconveniences and risks involved with moving from one exchange to another to take advantage of a higher price, most people just surrender the thought of even considering to take advantage of arbitrage.

TAP, however, connects to multiple exchanges and its goal is to extend the menu of exchanges it connects to. Thus, whenever you need to sell your crypto, you won’t need to worry about hopping from exchange to exchange to take advantage of the best price. Rather, when transacting any crypto, TAP will innately choose the best price available on various major exchanges and will fulfill the transaction in less than 3 seconds.

Even if not making a transaction, the app’s users will have access to multiple exchanges and will be able to transact on the best price. This means that TAP will act as an extender of the convenience exchanges are meant to offer. One app to give the community access to all the major exchanges. Moreover, as TAP will provide a simple in-app KYC, users won’t need to go through the KYC process for multiple exchanges; TAP will be the one-key access.

Making Crypto more Welcoming

While TAP’s facilitation of offering easy access to exchanges is appealing to any member of the Crypto community, it may likely be most appealing to those with fresh interest.

It’s important to note that TAP will serve as a wallet as-well. So, whenever the Crypto community will have a new member, he/she won’t be burdened to go about acquiring exchanges across multiple exchanges to get the specific tokens he/she wants, nor will the person need to go through a lengthy process to pull out fiat from a crypt-fiat exchange.

Instead, new members of the community will be given a simple convenience to simply adopt a single app as a wallet that connects to multiple exchanges while allowing them to get fiat at point of will. Given that Crypto currently has a “UI problem,” TAP could be a major solution in the race to make Crypto more welcoming to a newer audience, especially one adjusted to the comforts of the conveniences and quick fulfillment lifestyles of today.

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TAP Official

Tap is the world’s first unified crypto banking app and was the first company in Europe operating a Mastercard. It is regulated to hold customers’ crypto.