A Placement Training Program that actually works!

Thanks to TapChief, I will be starting my career with a job at Accenture

TapChief Blog
4 min readFeb 15, 2017


Name: Manoj C
College: National Institute of Engineering, Mysore
Branch: Information Sciences
Placed at Accenture as an Associate Application Developer

Manoj is a final year student at National Institute of Engineering, Mysore pursuing a Bachelors in Information Sciences. Manoj, much like lakhs of other wide eyed engineering graduates, wanted to land a job at one of the coveted IT giants, chief amongst them Walmart Labs.

However much he tried though, he just couldn’t get past the Aptitude Test, a staple when it comes to IT recruitment tests. He says,

“I was good at GD and also performed well in the Interviews but the aptitude tests were a hurdle I just couldn’t overcome by myself”

Dejected, Manoj decided to seek help. That was when he came across TapChief.

“I scrolled onto a TapChief success story on Facebook, of a student landing his dream job with their guidance. I decided to give it a shot”

“Quite frankly, I didn’t have my hopes up. I had heard of my fair share of placement training programs that promised empty dreams and played off on the desperation engineering students feel come campus placements.

Quite to Manoj’s surprise and our pleasure, we set out to prove him wrong.

Manoj is now placed at Accenture as an Associate Application Developer. We got on call with an ecstatic Manoj to learn about his experience with the TapChief Job Coach program and how it helped him succeed at Campus Placements.

Hi Manoj! Can you tell us a bit about Placements at NIE, Mysore?
Hi, Team! Placements at my college mimic what I imagine placements at other engineering colleges are like.

Over half of my batch wanted a job in the IT sector and almost all of us weren’t job ready by industry standards

NIE, although a decent regional college, isn’t an IIT or a BITS, so we didn’t see some of the best companies come down for placements. However, when it came to IT placements, the playing field was more or less level. That’s what I was aiming for as my first job.

Tell us a bit more about your aspirations from Campus Placements?
I wanted to work at Walmart Labs. They come down for campus placements at my college, but based on my experience with other companies, I realized that I excelled at the GD and Interview rounds but fell short off the Aptitude Tests. There was no way I was going to make it past the Walmart Test. That’s when I decided to seek help from TapChief.

Alright, but why chose TapChief as against multiple other placement training programs?
It’s simple, really. The reason was two fold.

Personalized Career Guidance: TapChief found a Career Coach from Walmart Labs to train me. My Coach was a working professional in the very same role that I aspired for.

Customer Service: The TapChief Operations Team always had my back, from rescheduling my sessions to getting valuable feedback on my training. They work with an almost machine like-efficiency, that impressed me.

Wow, thank you for those kind words. What would you say is your biggest gain from your training on TapChief?
That would be the personalized attention. Like I mentioned earlier, I wasn’t getting past the aptitude tests. My Coach made me realize that the material I was referring to was generic and not at all in-tune with the Walmart test.

“Right up till this point in my placement preparation, no-one had taken a keen interest in my strengths & weaknesses and on specifically what I should be doing to improve. All of this changed with TapChief”

He sent across resources that I should refer to and also helped me a chart out a preparation strategy to systematically conquer my fear of Aptitude Tests. The results were instantaneous and astounding.

Can you also tell us a bit about your Coach?
My Coach was wonderful. He is a software development engineer at Walmart Labs. As one can imagine, he is an extremely busy professional. He, however, didn’t let his hectic work routine affect my Career Guidance, not even one bit.

For first time, I felt like I had a friend who cared about my placements and was helping me through it, one session at a time.

This, in my opinion, set TapChief several notches above any placement training program that I has encountered so far.

He would stay in touch over call or chat through out my training, inquiring after every interview and company process on how I performed and giving tips for me to improve on the go.

It so happened, that I didn’t make it to Walmart Labs. But my Coach provided much needed motivation for me to go on. It’s only because of him, that I have a standing job offer from Accenture.

Manoj, a final question. If you were to recommend TapChief to your fellow batchmates for placement preparation, for what would it be?
More than the Coaches, I’d say it’s because they care. Their operations team was in constant touch with me, taking care of my needs and schedule 24x7.

“I once needed a session for my Walmart Interview, which was the very next day. In less than an hour, they got back to me and arranged my sessions to happen within 24 hrs”

Team TapChief went above and beyond to ensure that I landed my Dream Job. I am extremely grateful to them and my Coach for the guidance they provided and would recommend that everyone that every student take up TapChief for their placement training.

We wish Manoj the best for his professional journey and hope he goes on to achieve his career goals.

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