It’s a Brand New Day, so Let’s Make It a Good One

The us against them has to stop.

Marilyn Regan
Tapestry of Life


It’s been hell for the past four years. From the time Donald Trump swore on the Bible to uphold the United States Constitution, which he didn’t, it’s been one outrageous statement, Tweet, or comment, speech, after another.

And despite his illogical rants, almost half the country voted from him. What were they listening to exactly?

As a New Englander, I was enlivened by the idea of seceding from the United States and becoming part of Canada. But they don’t want us, and I don’t blame them. Now Trump supporters say they are going to leave the country.

I wonder where they’ll go.

The line drawn between Democrats and Republicans is more like the Berlin Wall. It was needed. It separated the sane from the insane and gave the Democrats the space to mount an attack.

Well, we won. We won the election anyway, but where we go from here will determine if the victory was worth the fight. Will we become a united people? Yes, we will have a sane president and a woman as vice-president. It’s a great set-up.

But what about We the People?

Are we willing to bury our hatchets and dismantle our machine guns so that we can work together? If not, we are…



Marilyn Regan
Tapestry of Life

Marilyn is a writer, yogi, and spiritual medium. Her favorite people are animals, especially ones that meow. She loves the ocean and hates one-use plastic.