A Peek into Tap Fantasy’s Metaverse

Tap Fantasy
Published in
3 min readJan 14, 2022

The Rise of Metaverse

It is no longer necessary to address how trendy the Metaverse is. It seems nowadays that if you don’t understand the concept of Metaverse, you are already behind the times, just like you haven’t heard of blockchain.

If you have already set your foot in Roblox, Decentraland, Sandbox, Cryptovoxels, AxieInfnity, and other relatively hot blockchain games or applications that are aiming to build a Metaverse, you might also have experienced that in the game world of Metaverse, players enjoy the freedom here: there is no playscript, no pre-set rules, and players are free to do anything. In the future, when physical trading and e-commerce transactions in the real world are translated to Metaverse, a new trading framework will be built, a hugely profitable market can be formed.

Gaming in Metaverse

Gaming platforms specifically provide users with the possibility of creating and developing, utilizing the “land” in the game world as a starting point. After the transaction is successful, all the remaining development is left to the player to improvise. Games are nothing more than scenarios and players, so diversified innovations are also concentrated in these two areas.

Walking between the different lands of these games is not to enter different buildings, but to join a variety of different games. This type of platform does not provide games at the beginning, but only provides development platforms and communities. The original intention is to achieve a decentralized world created by users, and the same is true for Metaverse.

Tap Fantasy’s Cross-chain Gaming

In Tap Fantasy, each adventurer can invite 3 partners to form a team, match with other adventurers’ teams, and fight. Victory will bring the team trophy points, and adventurers will also get different ranking titles. The higher the ranking, the richer the rewards in the weekly/seasonal settlement!

Tap Fantasy’s decisive innovation in the PVP model is more than just that, the cross-chain matching system is what makes the game special. Even the “King of Chain Games” AxieInfinity can only rely on Ethereum’s Ronin sidechain, while in Tap Fantasy, players from different mainstream chains can easily join the game, match other players, and obtain rewards.

Tap Fantasy’s Metaverse

Tap Fantasy is working towards the concept of user-centric gaming.

Players are not only limited to just playing the games but also are enabled to earn a share of operating income by designing games and uploading modules through the code-free map editor. This coincides with the concept of “everyone is the creator of the new world” in the Metaverse.

Creators can also design their own NFT profile images, wallpapers, building shapes, and character skin appearances, and sell them to other players on the market. In this way, a player’s spontaneous economic system is formed, even without too much intervention, the economy of the Metaverse can prosper, laying a solid foundation for the future development of the Metaverse.

With the increase of creators, the game will present the most relevant content to the players through the AI recommendation algorithm, helping outstanding developers to expose the content and recommend it to the appropriate audience, thus establishing a positive bilateral relationship between the player and the designer.

The Metaverse is not just a concept, it is also a vision for the future. Tap Fantasy is about to start from the game and work hard to complete this very vision with the help of YOU! Come and join the game and build the future together.

For More Information:

Website: www.tapfantasy.io

Twitter: twitter.com/tapfantasy2021

Telegram: t.me/tap_fantasy

Discord: discord.gg/tapfantasy



Tap Fantasy

Tap Fantasy is an MMORPG blockchain game, Building the biggest Play2Earn NFT game on BSC, Come Tap for Golds!