Tap Fantasy S3-Character & NFT Balance Adjustments

Tap Fantasy
Published in
6 min readOct 13, 2022

We strive to have something for every character and NFT, and hope that adventurers will be able to bring infinite possibilities of combat through the combination of team skills and equipment skills.

Character Skill Adjustment

  1. Fighter

Skill II (Original): Every third slash attack will become Whirlwind Slash, attacking the targets in an area, dealing 125% damage and stun them for 0.4s.

Adjustment: 125% → 150%

2. Mage

Skill I (Original): Uses medium range attack to engage targets in an area, dealing 100% damage. The attack speed is 2s

Adjustment: 2s → 2.3s

3. Gladiator

Skill I (Original): Uses melee attack to engage target, dealing a 2-hit attack of 75% damage. The attack speed is 1s.

Adjustment: 75% → 90%

4. Hunter

Skill I (Original): Use ranged attack to engage a target, dealing 240% damage. The attack speed is 2s.

Adjustment: 240% → 210%

5. Blademaster

Skill I (Original): Uses melee attack to engage target, dealing a 2-hit attack of 50% damage. The attack speed is 1s.

Adjustment: 50% → 60%

6. Assassin

Skill II (Original): Attack has a 20% chance to dealing 250% damage to the target with the lowest HP in a large area, then recover HP with 75% of ATK.

Adjustment: 75% → 100%

7. Banker

Skill I (Original): Use ranged attack to engage a target, dealing 130% damage. The attack speed is 2s

Adjustment: 130% → 150%

8. Paladin

Skill I (Original): Melee attack on a single target, dealing 60% damage and attack speed is 1.5 seconds

Adjustment: 60% → 90% 、 1.5s → 2s

Skill II (Original): Triggered every 3 attacks, causing the target to take 20% more damage for 3.6 seconds and healing 225% of the attack to the character with the lowest HP

Adjustment: every 3 attacks → every 2attacks 、 3.6s → 3s 、 225% → 300%

9. Warlock

Skill II (Original): Attack has a 40% chance to terrorize the target for 1.1s.

Adjustment: 1.1s → 1.5s

10. Sorceress

Skill I (Original): Use ranged attack to engage a target, dealing 60% damage. The attack speed is 0.6s.

Adjustment: ranged attack → middle ranged attack 、 60% → 30%

Skill II (Original): Attack has a 20% chance to render the target to be poisoned. During the poison, they deal damage of poisoner’s ATK*100% and the victim cannot be healed for 3s.

Adjustment: target → ranged target 、100% → 50%

11. Lancer

Skill II (Original): When the hero’s own HP is lower than 50%, the hero’s own dodge +35% for 3.5s. It can be triggered up to once in every 10s.

Adjustment: 3.5s → 3s 、 every 10s → every 8s

NFT Skill Adjustment

  1. Shinning Nova

NFT Skill (Original): Releasing [Whirlwind Slash] will heal by 5.4% HP

Adjustment: 5.4% → 4.5%

2. War Princess

NFT Skill (Original): Using [Guardian] will grant the hero with a shield of Max HP*15%

Adjustment: 15% → 10%

3. Flame Apostle

NFT Skill (Original): Healed HP +60%.

Adjustment: 60% → 50%

4. Bride Alur

NFT Skill (Original): In every 15s, deals to the target with damage +80% for 4s.

Adjustment: 80% → 40% 、 4s → 8s

5. Son of Innocence

NFT Skill (Original): When recovering one’s own HP, for every 1% of the [Increase Damage] stats, the HP recovery increases by 2.5%

Adjustment: 2.5% → 6%

6. Black Rose

NFT Skill (Original): Damage + 100% in battle with the Abyss Demon Dragon

Adjustment: Crit +25%, and the rate increased to 35% while in the Sealed Lands

7. Agile Hunter

NFT Skill (Original): Allies deal damage to monsters +30%

Adjustment: When character attacks, an additional 12% of the agile hunter’s attack damage is added. When facing a mob, the bonus percentage is increased to 20%

8. Princess Black Wolf

NFT Skill (Original): 15% chance to trigger an attack, dealing 75% more damage and taking 33% less damage for 3 seconds, triggered up to once every 12 seconds.

Adjustment: 75% → 50% 、 33% → 20% 、 every 12 seconds → every 8 seconds

9. Rose Apostle

NFT Skill (Original): For slow, poisoned, stunned, and feared targets, each additional state the target suffers increases its damage by 40%.

Adjustment: 40% → 50%

10. Vibrant Dance

NFT Skill (Original): [Dance-off]’s healing effect +50%.

Adjustment: 50% → 40%

11. Light Fantasy

NFT Skill (Original): In every 15s, it renders the whole team’s Attack Speed +35% for 6s.

Adjustment: 35% → 25% 、 6s → 5s

12. Kingdom Shield

NFT Skill (Original): Every 8 seconds, a wide range of wards are opened, within which only damage exceeding twice the paladin’s attack is applied to us for 3 seconds.

Adjustment: twice → 3.5 times

13. Dark Count

NFT Skill (Original): [Abyss]’s dealt damage +55%

Adjustment: 55% → 40%

14. Red Witch

NFT Skill (Original): The poisoned target’s dodge -100%.

Adjustment: Causes the poisoned target to gain 1 random status: dodge -50%, slowed by 30%, stunned (lasts 1 second)

15. Black Goth

NFT Skill (Original): When team members attack the poisoned target, add 30% of the damage of the Sorceress’s attack each time

Adjustment: 30% → 40%

That’s all the S3 season character balance adjustments! Of course, only as a reference for early leaks, specific value changes to the S3 season update shall be subject to the officially launched version!



Tap Fantasy

Tap Fantasy is an MMORPG blockchain game, Building the biggest Play2Earn NFT game on BSC, Come Tap for Golds!