Tap Fantasy S6 Change Preview

Tap Fantasy
Published in
2 min readAug 2, 2023

Preview of s6 (partial content).

Language: Bahasa Indonesia / 简体中文 / português / 日本語

· Open World Change ·

  1. Optimize the Sky City, put all the multiplayer gameplay into Sky City, and strengthen the interaction between players
  2. Added the entrances of all BOSS in Sky City, making it easier to reach BOSS
  3. Added Top 3 player statues in the colosseum weekly rankings in the Sky City

· Boss Change ·

  1. The World Boss has been changed to a full PVE battle. There is only 1 World Boss in the whole server at one time.
    The next World Boss will be star-up or down-star based on the player’s clearance status in the previous World Boss battle. The higher the Boss’ star-level, the better the reward.
    Every tube of blood from the World Boss drops some Blue Treasure Chests. After defeating the Boss, the top 5 players with the most damage and the last shot can get Gold Treasure Chests, opening the chest consumes AP, but there’s no open CD.
    After defeating the BOSS, players who cause more than 1% damage can participate in Reward Roll to get additional rewards.
  2. There will be “N(not decided)” levels in the Elemental Rift, and the next level can only be unlocked by killing the BOSS in the last level, the higher the level, the better rewards.
    Each floor has a limit of several levels of element, the higher the element, the better the rewards.
  3. The 5-player team Boss in the open world and the Slime Rift are combined into a 5-player team gameplay. Only after challenging the lowest difficulty BOSS can the unlock next difficulty.

· MC Related Change ·

  1. The Trade Shop in-game is changed to MC trading to increase the liquidity of MC.
  2. The Colosseum weekly reward is changed to a weekly reward of 5,000 MC for a total of 13 weeks per season.
  3. The season reward is changed to 35,000 MC, distributed in proportion according to the club ranking.

· Gameplay Change ·

  1. The Fishing Competition Block is temporarily removed from the open world, and unredeemed fish can be exchanged at the “Exchange Ambassador” in the Sky City.
  2. Slime Rift will no longer drop lucky points, and unused lucky points can be used at the “Exchange Ambassador” in the Sky City
  3. SLOT Championship become 4 levels, Black Iron, Bronze, Silver, Gold.
    Among them, bronze, silver, and gold championships are distributed in proportion to $MC token.
  4. The content of the Gem Pass has been redesigned, new gears have been added and the pass rewards have been increased, and the function of “get all” bottom and purchase gem has been added, making it more convenient to use.



Tap Fantasy

Tap Fantasy is an MMORPG blockchain game, Building the biggest Play2Earn NFT game on BSC, Come Tap for Golds!