Tapglue got acquired by Boston-based Localytics

Norman Wiese
Tapglue Stories
Published in
2 min readMar 8, 2017

Today, I have some exciting news to share: Tapglue got acquired by Localytics and our team is joining the Boston-based company to keep focussing on our mission: helping mobile apps drive growth and engagement. With the team, products and resources that Localytics has in place, we will be able to have an even bigger impact on the industry. We’re excited to have a new home and keep pushing to make mobile apps more successful. Localytics also announces to open an office in our home town Berlin, which will be led by the Tapglue team.

We have known Localytics and their founders for quite a while. In fact, Onur and I have been working for one of their largest customers in Europe, the popular football (a.k.a. soccer) app Onefootball. When we started Tapglue, the founders Raj, Henry and Andrew got involved as mentors early on. Last year, the idea of joining forces came up and during various conversations, we soon felt that Localytics and Tapglue share the same vision.

The Tapglue platform will survive, although in a different form. We decided to not continue our managed service, but focus on the core Localytics product initiatives. However, we made our powerful platform completely available as an open source project — probably the most comprehensive open-source project for building social features for apps. Check out Github to learn more about it.

The whole Tapglue team would like to thank customers and supporters who made this journey incredibly exciting, interesting and fun. Don’t hesitate to reach out in case you want to learn about Localytics or our SNaaS open-source project.

If you want to read some more about us joining Localytics, check out Techcrunch and Bostinno.

