Introducing Agent Identity for Authorising Users

Brad McInnes
Published in
2 min readOct 12, 2021

As the developer of an application that is used by Financial Advisers you’ll be aware that Advisers, even if they are a solo owner-operator, operate in the context of a firm. Having insight into the basic details of the adviser firm can be beneficial to your application’s workflows. This is why Tapico has introduced our new servicing agents / organisations endpoints.

All users that give consent to share information from a source system with your application are known as the authorising-user on the Tapico Open Wealth API. Their details are returned under the GET/authorising-users endpoint. For an authorising user that is the end investor the details will be limited but for an authorising-user that is an agent, like a Financial Adviser, there is a rich set of details that can be returned.

Why does this matter?

The ability to link an individual authorising user to their agent details and more importantly their organisation’s details. Allows 3rd party applications to:

  1. Reconcile agent details from source systems with details captured on your application.
  2. Map authorising users to tenants/companies/organisations etc that have been previously setup on your application.

How does it work?

Calling the GET/authorising-user endpoint returns all of the users that have given consent to share data with your application via the Tapico Open Wealth API. To return the details of one particular authorising-user simply add the ID to the end of the URL.

Adding the expanded identities parameter to the GET call will return the following details about that authorising-user if they are an adviser.

Attributes returned for GET / authorising-users?expand-identities

From identity to servicing organisation

Below is a visualisation of now using the authorising-user’s identities you can link to their servicing organisation.

Linking the authorising-user’s identity to their servicing-organisation using the Tapico API

If you or anyone on your team has any questions about this new functionality please reach out to as your first point of call.



Brad McInnes
Editor for

Co-Founder at Tapico — The Open Finance Engine (