Casual Connect Wrap Up: Hats, Parties and Demo’s Galore!

Published in
2 min readJul 29, 2016


Another fantastic Casual Connect took place last week in San Francisco, bringing together an incredible collection of some of the best and brightest minds in the gaming industry.

Throughout it all, Tapjoy was there to meet with it many of our favorite developer partners, make some new friends, and show off all the ways our cutting edge platform — the industry’s only complete monetization platform — is helping steer the future of free-to-play mobile gaming.

On day one we held a special session on “The State of the Union for Freemium Apps — The New Normal and How to Win,” where we discussed the macro trends that are shaping Free-to-Play mobile gaming in today’s crowded and complex ecosystem. We’d like to give a special shout-out to Bryan Davis of Big Blue Bubble, Keith Pichelman of Concrete Software, Kenneth Wong of Hothead Games, Adam Schneider of Scopely, and of course our own Ben Chen for sharing their thoughts on the topic.

On day two we co-hosted an exceptional party at Ruby Skye, where hundreds of revelers came and enjoyed our unique “Tapjoytinis.” We’d like to thank everyone who showed up, including more than one developer told us was one of the best night’s of their lives!

Our booth was a hive of activity all throughout the conference, drawing in a steady stream of developers interested in hearing about our new platform features and in receiving one of our free, custom-made hats featuring some of the most famous characters from today’s biggest mobile gaming hits. (The hats were personalized based on your favorite character, just like our platform is personalized based on user preferences and behaviors — get it?!) To get one, all you had to do was watch a demo of our platform, showcasing all the ways we help developers improve both ad-based revenue and IAP revenue, not to mention engagement, retention and acquisition. We ended up giving out more than 400 custom-painted hats!

The hats are all gone, but it’s not too late to get your demo. Even if you think you know what Tapjoy does, you might be surprised to learn about some of our new features. For instance, we just added new A/B Testing and Ad Behavioral Targeting tools, helping make your monetization campaigns more targeted and intelligent than ever before. You’ll also learn how you can double the number of converters simply by adding just one Contextual Placement to your app.

Check out all of the great pictures below, and let us know if we can walk you through a demo of “the new Tapjoy.”


