Tapjoy Private Exchange Delivers 82%+ Video Completion Rates, 4.4% Post-Video Click Through Rates

Published in
3 min readDec 9, 2016


Last May, we announced our partnership with Rubicon Project and the launch of the Tapjoy Private Exchange, the world’s largest private marketplace for opt-in, rewarded mobile video ads. After its first few months of operation, the exchange has proven to be an incredibly effective way for advertisers to access premium in-app video inventory in real-time.

We’ve seen an exponential increase in demand as the number of ads we have delivered programmatically has nearly doubled month-over-month since our launch last May. To date, the Tapjoy Private Exchange has delivered more than 60 million total video views.

The most remarkable success we’ve seen has been in the performance of our video ads — especially when compared to benchmarks for the mobile industry. The average video completion rate on Tapjoy Private Exchange is 82% — more than four times the industry average. Meanwhile, the average post-video click-through rate is 4.4% — over three times the industry average.

You may be wondering how we’re able to achieve results like this. Let’s take a look at some of the features that make our ads unique.

Skippable, User-Initiated, Opt-In Ads

All of our in-app ad experiences are rewarded, meaning they leverage a value exchange model that provides consumers with access to premium in-app content. The crux of the rewarded model is that users proactively choose to engage with ads. When consumers are given control over their ad experience, they are more likely to engage with the ad and feel more positively toward that brand, as proven by comsCore.

100% Viewability

Viewability remains a major challenge for all advertisers. The MRC deems a mobile video ad as viewable if 50% of the ad’s pixels are on the screen for 2 seconds. But we don’t think that goes far enough. In the case of video ads purchased through the Tapjoy Private Exchange, all videos are presented in full-screen format, meaning that 100% of each ad’s pixels are viewable for the entire length of the video.

No Ad Blockers

According to a report published earlier this year from ad-tech company PageFair, one out of five smartphone owners are currently using ad blockers — up 90 percent over the past year. That spells serious trouble for mobile advertisers who rely primarily on the mobile web, where ad blockers can easily prevent their ads from being shown. For in-app environments, and especially for user-initiated ads like Tapjoy’s, ad blockers don’t even come into play. While consumers are using ad blockers to opt-out of traditional ads, they’re actively opting-in to Tapjoy’s video ads.

Direct Publisher Integration

Every publisher in the Tapjoy network has integrated the Tapjoy SDK directly into their app, meaning we have 1-to-1 relationships with all of our app partners. In other words, all of our inventory is direct-to-publisher. This allows us to maintain control over our platform and the integrity of our ad environments. It also ensures that your ads run in a 100% brand-safe environment free of adult images, offensive language, and other inappropriate content. Furthermore, we take pride in providing transparency to our ad partners.

Massive Scale

Not only does the Tapjoy Private Exchange offer some of the highest quality video inventory in the industry, it also offers tremendous scale, with more than 10,000 apps and 520 million monthly active mobile consumers throughout the world. It’s no wonder the exchange is quickly becoming the go-to choice for media buyers running video ad campaigns on mobile.

To get started, contact Tapjoy sales at advertise@tapjoy.com.


