New age job is much more than coding

TapTechie Publication
2 min readApr 6, 2020

I am in the technology industry for the last 13 years. I have worked across roles including Developer, Bid Management, Program Manager, Sales, Business Development. I have handled more than 1000 developers in my entire experience. Based on my experience

I have seen new graduates spending money on learning to code but not landing up in a job for a long time.

Sadly, some of the time, young graduates go back to their hometowns & start doing other jobs available.

I spent significant time in identifying the problems with the hiring scenario & improving the “employability.”

I have seen people writing code, but they face the following challenges.

  1. As language changes a bit, people struggle to solve the problems in the particular tech stack
  2. People are not able to solve the new challenges which they encounter during the development
  3. People are not even able to communicate the problems to the superiors to get the solution
  4. Also though people are coding, but they are not thinking from quality & end-user perspective

So what is the solution?

After a lot of research & discussions with the software companies as well as people, I arrived at the below conclusions

Technical Basics are completely off place

Today is a world of frameworks. One can code very well using the frameworks & it’s easy also. But once developers get stuck, they suddenly feel lost.

The reason is that the basics are not there. They don’t have an understanding of basics like object-oriented programming & concepts, Scripting concepts to derive the solution.

Cognitive Skills are not taught in the college curriculums

Cognitive skills are critical to the mantra of “ Learning & Relearning”.

Excellent Cognitive skills will help the developer scale up fast in any language or framework. It also helps in providing the best solution to the problem at hand.

Communication Skills are not about Linguistic Skills

Till ten years back, Indians were not good with linguistic English. But as of today, people are very comfortable with spoken english. In even small towns, people can speak & write English.

Then where is the gap?

Gap is in the structured thinking & communication in any language. People are working on building English skills, but it’s just about language. No one is stressing on how to communicate so that the other person understands.

Any language is useful only and only if the other person can understand.

Keep following this blog; we will be posting a lot more content on the insights of becoming Job Ready

