Fixing Web3’s UX

1 min readAug 9, 2022


Web3 is complicated and confusing.

These multiple layers of complexity illustrate just how high the barriers to entry are for moving into web3 fully, and until they can all be addressed or abstracted away, we’re unlikely to see the widespread adoption that we are all waiting to happen.

To onboard more people in web3, we need to take a different approach. So let’s see how we can fix the user experience in crypto.

How can we change that?

User experience is not just about how the product looks. It’s also about how it works: how smooth the onboarding is, how easy it is to use, how scalable the solution is, how practical the gas fees are, and how fast the transactions are, etc.

Web3 projects need to keep all these aspects in mind when creating their products.

4 major things people expect from web3 projects:

  • A clear, real-world use case
  • Intuitive user interface
  • Seamless mobile experience
  • Clear and simple language

Keep on reading how these changes should be implemented on Tapx blog.

