Wellness And Mental Health In Web3

7 min readSep 26, 2022


Today we want to talk about an important but often neglected topic in web3. Wellness and mental health.

Why does this topic matter?

Participating in web3 is an exciting experience. Blockchain technology can drive positive cultural, economic, and social transformation. But we must do it in a way that both get the best out of our collective cognitive potential, and is not damaging our mental and physical health.

In this article, we’ll highlight some of the mental health and wellness challenges many people working or participating in web3 experience on their way and how we can deal with them.

We’ll also share with you some amazing crypto projects that create products to improve people’s mental, emotional and physical well-being.

Mental health traps to look out for in web3

Confusing busyness with productivity

In the world of web3, characterized by Discord communities, numerous Telegram chats, endless scrolling of Twitter feed, and checking the prices every 2 seconds it can be easy to be ‘busy’ all day. However, this business has nothing to do with actual productivity.

According to screen logging SaaS platform RescueTime, people are switching screens or tasks once every 40 seconds — whether to Discord, Telegram, email, Slack, social media, or some other app often masquerading as a work tool.

The rate of screen switching is even higher in web3, due to the information overload.

So how can you stay productive in this environment:

  • Avoid unnecessary conversations. Focus on need-to-know information, instead of feeling like you need to know and contribute to everything.
  • Plan your day. It’s simple but incredibly powerful at dedicating time blocks to certain activities.
  • Turn off notifications for periods of the day and set your status to DND.
  • Turn off your DMs for channels where it won’t affect your work.
  • Consider using all-in-one apps to keep all the conversations in messages in one place so you don’t need to keep switching screens. Our top picks are beeper.com and allinone.im.
  • Also, RSS feeds are good for tracking the latest crypto news. Check out Cointelegraph or Coindesk RSS feeds to keep up to date with the buzz.
  • Take breaks.

Excessive workload

This mental health trap is the polar opposite of the previous one. Web3 is an amazing place, and it moves so fast that sometimes you just can’t keep up with all the news and updates. And it's okay. You don’t need to know everything as well as you can’t be involved in all the processes that are happening in the space.

Sure, you can join and contribute to 15 DAOs, or take another project, but just how meaningful will your contributions be in the long run?

Sometimes we need to say NO to things just because we can’t be productive 24/7. And, imagine, saying NO to new opportunities doesn’t mean you’re a bad person, unprofessional, or lazy. It just means that at this point of your life, you prioritize other things.

However, it might be not as easy as it seems. Especially it is a big problem for women and other minorities in the space. We strive for perfection, we want to be noticed and prove that we are very capable, reliable, and knowledgeable. But this go-getter mindset will not help us win in the long run.

To help mitigate your workload, contribute only to a number of projects that permit you to operate at your highest level.

Prioritize high-value activities, and consider automating, outsourcing, or eliminating everything else so that you can spend as much time doing deep work as possible each day.

Lack of sleep

Web3 never sleeps. Of course, there’s so much fun stuff here that you just can’t miss: NFT drops, blockchain upgrades, token airdrops, live streams, and more. It’s hard to have a decent 8-hour sleep in such an active environment.

time to sleep meme

However, lack of sleep can cost more than another hype NFT. Sleep deprivation can lead to mental health problems. It also affects our productivity and emotions causing brain fog, mood changes, stress, depression, and ADHD.

But no one said that sleeping should be boring. You can turn your night's rest into a fun and rewarding adventure. Have you ever heard of the sleep-to-earn concept?

It’s a newly developing area of web3 apps that allow you to earn tokens in your sleep.

Here’s how it works: you download a sleep tracking app. Once the app is installed on your phone, it will track your sleep patterns and give you rewards based on how well you sleep.

And the better you sleep, the more rewards you’ll earn.

If you’re interested in trying to sleep for crypto, check out SleeFi and Sleep Future.

So, whatever happens, make sure you get your deserved 8-hour sleep every day. Your mental health will thank you for that.

Lack of meaning

Web3 changes the current internet model making it more open, diverse, and accessible. And those involved feel that they are on the frontline of these changes, enabling others to be valued and heard.

However, there are also a lot of scams and fraud in the space. Fake NFT mints, rug pulls, pumps & dumps can make us feel less optimistic about the future of web3.

We can’t change people around us, but we can be responsible for our choices and decisions and ensure they are aligned with our beliefs.

It is important to remember that values are not subject to compromise, only interests are. So whatever you’re pursuing in web3, make sure you truly believe in the mission and purpose and that it aligns with your core values & desires, and makes you feel happy and fulfilled.

But to find the meaning in what you’re doing, you need to understand yourself in the first place. Learning about yourself is crucial to discovering your life purpose and being your authentic self. Understanding what’s been missing from your life will help you learn about yourself.

If you are looking for a web3 brand that can help you to discover your inner self, take a look at Betwixt. It's a playable, immersive tale of self-discovery with evolving generative art sculpted by your choices.

You start with minting an NFT and downloading the app. Then you travel through a dreamlike world that you can only escape by learning to see yourself clearly. And the deeper you travel into yourself, the more vibrant, complex, and beautiful your art becomes.

Sedentary Lifestyles

One of the most common criticisms of web3 is that it negatively impacts our health as we’re spending a lot of time inside, at computers. Touch the grass, they say. And it's actually great advice and something we all need to do more often.

While there is certainly some validity to this criticism, and it is something that will need to be creatively problem-solved, one thing that this criticism fails to understand is how web3 technology can be used to better incentivize individuals to live healthy lives.

So now you know about sleep-to-earn, but have you heard about exercise-to-earn? It’s also a real thing and it combines GameFi, NFTs, and GPS technologies to track users’ movements. This data is stored on a blockchain and converted into token rewards.

For example, Ome NFT, which styles itself as the first-ever “Health-to-Earn” NFT, enables holders to earn tokens for engaging in healthy activities, known as “health quests”. Examples of health quests could be something as simple as going to bed at a reasonable time or eating more vegetables.

Another example is WIRTUAL, an exercise-to-earn solution bringing fitness to web3.

Users can earn WIRTUAL tokens through exercise and then exchange them for store purchases or discounts. How cool is that?


Web3 is an extremely proactive environment. Everyone in this space comes here for a reason — to get rich, change the world, learn something new, be discovered, etc.

However, without proper attention to our wellness and mental health, we’re not gonna make it. Therefore, keeping yourself first, taking some time off, and surrounding yourself with people who strive for the same things is crucial for long-term success.

At Tapx, we’re excited about the opportunities web3 brings and we want you to be a part of this amazing environment.

To make web3 accessible to everyone, we are launching All Access NFT.

This is a free mint NFT that will help educate our community members so they can ‘unlock’ new tools, earning opportunities, and fully immerse themselves in a secure Web3 platform.

Follow us on Twitter and join our community channel on Discord as we’ll be announcing the mint soon: https://tapx.link/tapx.

