The Moral Libertarian Horizon Books

TaraElla: A Positive Vision
4 min readMay 27, 2018


The Moral Libertarian Horizon book series examines the moral libertarian ideal in depth, and examines its application over a range of topics such as free speech, freedom of conscience, the free market of ideas, the question of private property, and social justice. Moral libertarian cases against social engineering, victim mentality, identity politics and political correctness are also presented.

Compared to all other available options (e.g. postmodernism, criticalism, identity politics, neoconservatism etc.), liberalism is still the most morally sound path for Western democratic societies going forward, and most likely to get us to the best resolution for the controversial social issues we face. These books will make the case for this argument.

As a citizen of a Western democratic country, given the crossroads we find ourselves facing at the moment (e.g. conflicting identity politics claims, the ‘history wars’, the ‘woke’ vs ‘reactionary’ culture wars, the questioning of the long-standing social contract), I feel that it’s my responsibility to speak up, before it’s too late.

You can read or download your free copy of the books at The Open Library

The Moral Libertarian Idea Book (Read this for the basics):

This book is an updated, trimmed and combined version of the MLH Series Volume 1–2, outlining and discussing the basic ideas and principles of Moral Libertarianism.


The Moral Libertarian Perspective

This book incorporates the best content from The Moral Libertarian Horizon Volumes 1, 2, 4 and 5, and is intended to provide a more complete picture on the Moral Libertarian philosophy.

The Moral Libertarian Horizon Book Series

Volume 5

Volume 4

All about Moral Libertarianism, traditions and families.


Volume 3


Volumes 1–2

Some of the contents of these volumes are now outdated, and their ideas have also been incorporated into The Moral Libertarian Idea. They are provided here for reference sake only.

“Our mission is to give liberal* ideals as much life force as possible. Such life force can only come with idealism, moral conviction and clear principles. We believe that the one core liberal* idea is the Equality of Moral Agency (EMA), i.e. each and every individual should have equal ability to live and act out their sincerely held vision of morality, and no outside force, should be able to diminish any part of this.”

“In particular, all my political and social commentary assumes the context of a Western liberal democratic system, where there is approximately one person one vote to elect our governments, where interest groups and ideological factions aim to sway the decisions of voters, and where a government of almost any ideology could be elected, potentially beholden to one or more interest groups. In such a system, if voters receive biased information due to interference with free speech, they could get their decision totally wrong. If they elect a culturally authoritarian government that, for example, treats people differently based on identity or opinion, this would have severe moral consequences. It is this situation that Moral Libertarianism was specifically developed to guard against.”

*Liberalism in the classical Enlightenment sense, rather than leftist in the American sense.



TaraElla: A Positive Vision

Author & musician. Moral Libertarian. Mission is to end aggressive 'populism' in the West, by promoting libertarian reformism.