Hype — Closed Alpha Launch

Steven Pu
Taraxa Project
Published in
2 min readMay 22, 2023


Hype, a DApp incubated by Taraxa to automate social campaigns, is entering a closed alpha!

Phase 1: Closed Alpha

In the next phase, Hype will enter a closed Alpha testing within the Taraxa community.

Participate in the Hype Pool here.

This phase not only gives the community an early view of the app, it’s also a chance for the dev team to collect feedback and measure the impact of Hype campaigns, which will be used later on to convince other projects to start using Hype as part of their regular social campaign efforts.

A new splash page will be created for the Hype app after the conclusion of the closed Alpha phase to give a more accurate and data-backed description of the Hype app.

Phase 2: Closed Beta

With the feedback and the data from the closed Alpha phase, we’ll start approaching projects one by one to onboard them onto the Hype app. The goals are the same as with the Alpha phase, to collect feedback and iterate on the product, to make sure there’s a high degree of product-market-fit before marketing the product en masse. We’d love to get the community’s help in introducing us to projects potentially interested in Hype!

The goal is to get a small number of projects that find Hype very useful, and are interested in using Hype on an ongoing basis.

Phase 3: Open Beta

Following a closed Beta, we’ll open the product up to any project who’d want to use it.

Help Echo Index More Telegram Groups!!!

Echo, the decentralized social data layer that powers Hype, is currently indexing 10k+ public, English-speaking crypto Telegram groups. To better capture and account for the community’s hyping contributions, a bounty has been set up for you to submit public, English-speaking, crypto Telegram groups you know to the Echo network!

This bounty will be ongoing to continuously improve the coverage of Echo and Hype.


Stay tuned! 🪁

Hype App | Taraxa Twitter | Discord | Telegram | Blog | Website

