Introducing Taraxa Echo — a social-listening platform.

Steven Pu
Taraxa Project
Published in
3 min readMar 24, 2022

We’re excited to share our progress on Taraxa Echo, a social listening platform that’ll be a part of our ecosystem!

Just like how Helio makes machine-generated data trustworthy, and Marinate makes informal agreements trustworthy, Echo makes informal social data trustworthy.

Taraxa’s Tech Stack: Infrastructure for tracking informal data.

🆘Informal social interactions are hard to track and even harder to trust.

Like all forms of informal data, informal social interactions — e.g., Telegram and Discord conversations — are difficult to track and trust.

Informal social interactions occur organically, their meaning highly contextual, and are much harder to track than just looking at a hashtag. Conversations coalesce around topics in ways that often aren’t immediately obvious even to human readers. On top of that, these informal interactions are generated on such a vast scale every second of the day, making it impossible to track without the right technologies.

Even if you could track and comprehend such vast amounts of informal social interactions, they can never be trusted enough to enable automated mechanisms if the process is done by centralized players.

Informal social interactions are fundamental to reputations — not being able to trust or effectively track this informal data set creates a myriad of headaches.

😰Lack of trusted informal social interaction data makes life very difficult.

Ever wonder what’s the difference between marketing (read: hyping) a project vs. throwing money into a black hole? There is none today. It’s nearly impossible to track what impact your campaigns made automatically and at scale. If you cannot quantify or even verify the social impact, you are wasting money. Have you ever

  • run a social bounty, where 99.9% of rewards go to bounty hunters with zero audiences?
  • held a Telegram AMA, where 100% of the questions asked were copy-pasted from other AMAs in a group filled with 100k bots?
  • paid a Twitter shill, where 99% of the replies to their tweet are others shilling their own projects?

If you have, you know the pain.

What if you wanted to know what new coins are being talked about in Telegram? Or what new hot NFTs are getting airdropped in Discord? What if you wanted to know before everyone including your grandma apes in? Unless you spend your every waking moment trolling every single channel/forum/group/tweet, emerging trends discovery is almost pure luck.

Being able to spot trends is why the biggest VCs are so well-paid, but maybe they’re just guessing like you and me?

♻️🥳 We’ve decided to build something to make your lives better.

Taraxa Echo makes informal social interactions verifiable, quantifiable, and trustworthy.

Taraxa Echo uses decentralized data gathering, anchoring, and analytics layers to make informal social interactions trustworthy, verifiable, and quantifiable. This creates an infinite set of trusted and composable social signals that could be used to build a myriad of applications,

  • Perpetual hype-farming with transparent ROI that enables marketing teams es projects to host short and long-term social campaigns, with rewards given out to communities and influencers that actually generate long-lasting and positive social impact.
  • Spotting trends where emerging topics-driven trades that give everyone access to trusted & composable social trend signals that help to discover new assets.
  • Tokenized communities based on verifiable reputations and quantifiable influence, with true underlying signals that go far beyond simple memes.

We’re close to revealing more progress, so stay tuned! 🚀

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