Taraxa Progress Update: January, 2024

Steven Pu
Taraxa Project
Published in
Feb 2, 2024

State of the network as of February 1, 2024:

  • 2.121 billion TARA staked and delegated
  • 69 active consensus nodes on the Mainnet
  • 1,664 active consensus nodes on the Testnet
  • 8,867 unique wallet addresses on the Mainnet

Ecosystem Highlights:

  • A $10 million Taraxa Grant Program proposed and being voted on in a governance vote, 484 million votes so far, all FOR the creation of the Grant Program!
  • Deployed Aspen Upgrade (capping $TARA supply) onto the testnet, currently stress-testing for mainnet deployment
  • Published a detailed thread explaining why native EVM integration on blockDAG is such a game changer!

🪁 Keeping up with the latest in Taraxa

Stay tuned! 🪁

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