Taraxa Progress Update: October, 2022

Steven Pu
Taraxa Project
Published in
2 min readNov 1, 2022

State of the network as of October 31, 2022:

  • 571M TARA staked, 546M TARA delegated.
  • 58 active consensus nodes on the Mainnet
  • 227 active consensus nodes on the Testnet
  • 597 commits across top repos in Github
Taraxa Network
Taraxa Github Activities

✅ Progress Highlights: Native Token Conversion.
For the Taraxa Protocol, we focused on making sure the testnet was secure & stable so we can send our official response to the security auditor:

  • Resolved a gas estimation issue that was causing incompatibilities with ETH tools such as Metamask & Remix
  • Resolved a bug that caused transaction ordering during the PBFT finalization phase to be non-deterministic
  • Resolved a bug that caused blocks to be occasionally “forgotten
  • Resolved a bug that caused non-deterministic handling of transactions from the same address with identical nonces

For the Taraxa Ecosystem, we focused on the Explorer:

  • Completed a version of the new explorer that does not maintain its own state and purely relies on graphQL queries from the node
  • Finalizing an indexer that keeps a historical ledger state in the explorer for faster search queries

✅ Progress Highlights: Social Listening Platform.
We continued to make progress on the Analytics & Data layers for the Hype app:

  • Discovered & addressed many problems with the data gathering layer that caused gaps in collecting Telegram messages
  • Finalized & in the process of productionizing the first iteration of the analytics pipeline

Stay tuned!
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