Taraxa Tech Update — Week 40

More work on Taraxa’s consensus and EVM.

Olga Grinina
Taraxa Project
2 min readOct 5, 2020


As we’re moving further towards the next release of Aphrogenes testnet, we keep working on consensus, node syncing, and Taraxa’s EVM.

Consensus and PBFT.

Taraxa enables rapid finalization of block DAG to maximize the network’s throughput. Most of the week, we were working on fixing bugs in DAG-PBFT node syncing and processing related to recent changes to DAG.

  • Reviewed the proposal to remove the PBFT block and to integrate DPOS with PBFT;
  • Fixed the bug that adds checking vote sender account validation for votes receivers;
  • WIP: the feature that adds a new bundle for PBFT next votes.

EVM Transaction Layer.

We keep working on a more asynchronous pipelined design to make transaction execution and PBFT consensus asynchronous. Done this week:

  • Made transaction layer code completely independent from the main node code as a part of the PBFT/execution asynchrony preparation.
  • Found and tested a better database-layer implementation for the state DB based on RocksDB user timestamps to improve the read performance. Later this finding should be used in the transaction layer code.
  • WIP: Performance improvements, routine bug fixes, and refactorings.

