Taraxa Testnet UPD.

Fixing a few known issues ahead of launching incentives and bounties on Taraxa testnet!

Olga Grinina
Taraxa Project
2 min readNov 1, 2021


We thank everyone who’s been running the Taraxa nodes to help us pre-test — jump on to our Discord to join the team of early Taraxa network testers! To launch your Taraxa node, go ahead and register on our community site. To set up or reset your node: https://docs.taraxa.io/node-setup/upgrade-a-node/data-reset

Node syncing.

Over the last couple of weeks, we were focused on making the node synching faster by fixing the PBFT proposal blocks:

  1. Designed the vote rewards for the testnet incentives.
  2. Designed the events driving PBFT state machine: https://github.com/Taraxa-project/taraxa-node/issues/1234
  3. Using the weighted index 0 for VRF sortition, as the PBFT vote will only use a weighted index 0 for VRF sortition in PBFT proposal state. Before the fix, a node would propose PBFT blocks without any related vote. In the filter state, a node would use a voting credential to identify a leader block and soft vote on the value. So PBFT proposal blocks without votes would never be picked up and became useless.
  4. Debugged and investigated the testnet block DAG/transactions ordering hash incorrect issue: a PBFT block proposed by consensus node4, node0 and node3 are good with the proposed ordering, but node1 and node2 had different ordering. After comparing the block DAG ordering, found that both node1 and node2 orders were a subset of the proposed one, and both nodes missed one DAG block.


On the application side, we’re in the process of re-writing Marinate’s UI and building out an open API to allow for integrations with popular messenger platforms. We’ve been exploring how to get consistent data from Telegram groups and channels to be able to build a link tracking mechanism.

  • WIP: integration between SMS providers and Telegram.
  • Added security to Twilio requests and pushed a branch of Twilio assistant.
  • Talking to Twilio support to start using their shortcodes feature.
  • Migrated from RabbitMQ to Redis: making Redis work with celery worker, celery beat, and flower.
  • Onboarded FTP-assistant.
  • Deployed async connection with non-blocking queries changes
  • Different scripts added to the social listening.
  • Code reviews.

