Taraxa Weekly Update: Week 4.

A hardfork on the testnet to fix the dynamic difficulty problems that slow the network down.

Olga Grinina
Taraxa Project
2 min readJan 25, 2022


✅ If you have a question about why your node is not producing blocks or producing the blocks slowly, please check out the F.A.Q. here: https://docs.taraxa.io/faq/testnet#what-makes-one-node-generate-more-blocks-than-another

Node operations and consensus:

We just deployed a hardfork that aims to fix the dynamic difficulty problems we’ve been experiencing on the testnet, causing large oscillations that could make producing a DAG block extremely difficult, thus significantly slowing the network down:

  • Investigated and debugged the PBFT stalled issue.
  • Reverted the PBFT exponential backoff in the develop branch.

Application: Social-Listen-Assistant.

We are now in the process of building out an open API to allow for integrations with popular messenger platforms to be able to elicit and track the trending data and sentiment by getting consistent data from social media platforms. Our current effort is focused on Telegram’s groups and channels:

  • Worked on FTB-79 persisting name for a Telegram account in DB.
  • Proxy testing of the Telegram ingester.
  • Changed the log level to the warning on the ingester.
  • Workaround and cleanup to add the18k chats file.
  • Working on FTB-83 to clean up unused dependencies on the ingester.

