Testnet Weekly Update: Week 51.

More fixes to the testnet, gearing up for the launch! Ho-ho-ho!

Olga Grinina
Taraxa Project
2 min readDec 28, 2021


✅ If you have a question about why your node is not producing blocks, or producing the blocks slowly, please check out the F.A.Q. here: https://docs.taraxa.io/faq/testnet#what-makes-one-node-generate-more-blocks-than-another

Testnet node operations:

This week we were hard at work debugging and investigating multiple testnet issues:

  • Implemented a hotfix for the race condition between the DAG structure that’s stored in memory and DB being out of sync specifically in terms of whether or not they’re finalized.
  • Monitored the PBFT progress, debugged, and downloaded the DB from the testnet nodes. Wrote a script to pull data from DB and investigated it.
  • Debugged the hash ordering incorrect issue. There is a race condition, DAG adds blocks twice. When a block change status from unfinalized to finalize, DAG adds exactly the same block into a non-finalized queue.
  • Debugged and investigated the testnet PBFT stalled issue.
  • Merged a fix that solves the floating-point error causing a node to crash.
  • Merged a PR1362 for the PBFT exponential backoff of the testnet branch.


We are now in the process of building out an open API to allow for integrations with popular messenger platforms to be able to elicit and track the trending data and sentiment: getting consistent data from Telegram groups and channels.

Telegram Ingester and Social-Listen-Assistant:

  • Worked on the testing environment and several bug fixes.

