Reinventing the world of work

Davi Gabriel
Target Teal
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2 min readOct 23, 2017

There's plenty of theory out there about how work should be. But very few practice cases and inspirations.

The Practice of Reinventing Organizations

That's how we are doing this reinvention at Target Teal.

Don't copy frameworks and methods

In their journey, many organizations start copying approaches. But there is more than that. We believe the best path is to learn a new organizational language.

The shadows of Agile

If you are part of the Agile community, you may not be aware about some of its shadows. This one is for you.

Giving feedback is not about the other person. It’s about you.

How many times have you heard the phrase “That person needs some feedback”? You are completely wrong if you think that feedback is about the other person. Actually, it’s about your individual needs. Check it out!

Have a good work week!



Davi Gabriel
Target Teal

Org Designer at Target Teal. Facilitator, culture hacker and psychonaut.