Not doing Content Marketing? Make it part of your digital marketing strategy today!

Nicolò Augusto Manica
Published in
6 min readMar 5, 2019

Nowadays we are used to encounter many ads per day. Researches estimate we’re talking of 4000–5000 ads per person, between online advertising and traditional media, via television, radio, newspapers, fliers, etc…

If we think about how many of these we remember more clearly, we realize that are the ones who were giving a message we cared about and that it was linked to our interests.

This is what content marketing aims to: engage and create interest in the targeted audience. Of course, the trick is not forgetting to advertise whatever product we want to place on the market. Since customers remember better what they like, content marketing focuses on enlightening the products’ aspects that could interest more our targeted audience.

We can say that content marketing is a cornerstone on where digital marketers build their strategy.

Besides other pros that we’ll analyze soon, there are two major points we should consider when thinking about this type of marketing.

First of all, content marketing generates more interest in our brand and makes it easier for companies and buyers to connect. Thanks to social channels, for example, potential customers can find information about a specific product, but they can also interact with the seller. Users can ask questions or give us their impressions, and part of the content marketing’s goal is to let them know we heard them, and we have the answers.

Second, the type of content we pick and spread online shapes the opinion that customers will build about our product/brand. Content marketing gives us the occasion to choose how we will be perceived and to act accordingly. For example, we can determine what speech pattern is better to appeal to our customers, what news about our brand is the most engaging and so on.

That means we have all the interest in creating a content that is:

  • Educational about the out product: what can we offer to a potential customer? What’s the value of our brand? Why should they pick us? We want our brand to build a connection based on trust with our customers. Digital marketing general’s goal isn’t to be artistic, but to sell something. This means that focusing on the aesthetic forgetting the content isn’t the right route to follow. We want to impress the audience in a way that makes them returning as customers. Building an effective ad means not letting the core message — buy our product — being overshadowed by the rest of the announcement. An excellent example of these are many, many ads that are witty, fun, or merely pleasant to watch, but in the end, we are unsure what type of product they’re sponsoring. A good case was an ad starring a famous actress jumping around and telling us how beautiful life is. Many people thought she was advertising makeup or a face cream due to the numerous close-ups used. Instead, she was advertising perfume. This type of misunderstanding is exactly what you want to avoid.
  • Engaging: we don’t want to bore the customers, but to intrigue them. Since we know our audience and what type of customers we’re trying to reach for is interested in, let’s talk with them about our offer. Let them know they’re valued and we care about their opinion and experience with our brand. It’s proved that customers who feel they’re seen not only as buyers but also as people tend to be more interested in a specific product and whoever is producing it. As you can read in this article, traditional marketing needed to evolve once the Internet era arrived. Doing proper digital marketing isn’t merely sponsoring a product for an online audience. It’s moving from the offer of a product to the offer of a whole experience. Customers are not going to purchase an object, but are going to engage with brands and their values.
  • SEO oriented: Search Engine Optimization is our best friend to promote our business. Hiring an SEO copywriter to write the content means having a text improved for being tracked by the search engines. So said, having our optimized content means it will be spread more largely and more potential customers are going to see it. Writing a compelling SEO oriented message requires to hire professionals who can write using the right words to be found by the search engines.

So, we saw that content marketing helps our digital marketing strategy to increase our sales and better interact with the audience helping us to convert it in customers.

Organising a digital campaign with solid content in it, offers a lot of advantages in terms of conversion visitor — buyer.

However, there are others it’s worth mentioning:

  • As you can read here the use of Ads Blockers has increased drastically. People want to interact with what they find valuable or interesting, as long as it’s more than a simple invitation to spend. More meaningful content we have, more people will be glad to read it and search for it. Contacting professionals is the right move to do to ensure that we won’t get lost producing appealing material that forgets to mention or give the proper importance to the product we want to promote. As we already said, we want to sell and engage in finding the right balance between these two topics.
  • People’s attention span is between 37 and 45 seconds at best. That’s the time we have to impress enough a customer to convince them to know us better. And this is also why you need to hire a team able to orchestrate the right digital marketing campaign pushing the content marketing to both promote your product and create something your future customers can relate to. Highly customisable content is the online version of excellent customer service. There is strength in numbers, but we can gain said numbers making every follower — and hopefully potential buyer — feeling valued. If we want people to listen to us we have to give them a valid reason to do so.
  • We need to take care of our social media! Sometimes, entrepreneurs mistake their social media pages approaching them as a simple way to use to redirect their audience to the main blog, when not a one-for-one replica of their normal website content. Every social channel is unique, and it counts on its audience. This audience is used to that social channel’s usual approach. A team of professionals can take advantage of it studying the best way to articulate posts and sending messages. Sure, redirect people to a website where they can buy the product is the core of this operation, but intriguing the audience is a better move than just a vague invitation to visit the website.
  • Also, in this article, we can see that it is worthy of investing in paid ads as long as professionals are taking care to build them for us. Content marketing improves the digital one enriching it with more than selling information. It enlightens why your product is unique, and it makes having a return from your invested money faster. Researches have also shown how who decides to use content marketing can count on conversion rates that are nearly six times higher than their competitors. Now, what does this mean in terms of return of investment? Simply that more traffic equals more viewers for your paid ads. More viewers mean the real possibility to convert users in customers.

More and more businesses and entrepreneurs are realising that it’s difficult to keep the balance between the wish to promote their product, engage with their future or actual customers, and having a return from their investments.

However, we can have the best content marketing in the world, and yet the advertise we paid for isn’t obtaining the views we hoped. This could happen because content marketing isn’t supported by the right paid ads strategy or is not targeting the audience that it should. Or simply, the brand needs more visibility.

Our team at Targeto can help you! We are a Media Buying Agency the purpose of which is to push your paid ads through the best channels for them. We’re going to help you to monitor the results and to improve them thanks to a data-driven approach. Contact us for a strategy session, it’s free!



Nicolò Augusto Manica

CRO & Co-founder @ uDroppy | Partner @ Targeto | University Professor | Public Speaker