Google Gemini AI: A Comprehensive Overview

Atif Sharif
Published in
7 min readDec 8, 2023
Google Gemini AI
image made by Atif Sharif

Google has just introduced its latest and greatest AI model, Gemini. This new era of artificial intelligence is a significant leap forward, impacting all of Google’s products.

Screenshot by Atif Sharif

What is Google Gemini?

Gemini is Google’s latest Large Language Model (LLM), designed to be more powerful and capable than its predecessor. It’s a versatile model that can seamlessly understand and work with text, images, video, audio, and code.(See Report)

This AI powerhouse, Gemini, is the first model to surpass human experts in Massive Multitask Language Understanding (MMLU). This method tests the knowledge and problem-solving abilities of AI models, showcasing Gemini’s exceptional capabilities.

Gemini AI Models
image made by Atif Sharif

Gemini has expertise in various areas, including computer vision, geospatial science, human health, and integrated technologies. To cater to different user needs, Gemini comes in three versions: Nano, Pro, and Ultra. Nano is for quick on-device tasks, Pro is versatile, and Ultra is the most powerful, undergoing safety checks and set to be available next year.

Gemini Nano is already in action on the Pixel 8 Pro, bringing enhanced features like summarization in the Recorder app and Smart Reply on Gboard.

Google Gemini in Bard

Now, let’s talk about Gemini’s integration with Google Bard. Bard is Google’s chatbot, and with Gemini, it has undergone significant improvements. Gemini’s advanced text-based capabilities are available for free in Google Bard, enhancing the quality of responses and understanding user intent.

To use Gemini Pro-integrated Bard, you can visit the Bard’s website, log in with your Google account, and enjoy advanced features by interacting with Bard.

Gemini’s capabilities are highlighted in a recent whitepaper, where the most powerful version outperformed GPT-4 on various benchmarks. However, it’s important to note that AI models, including Gemini, still face challenges in achieving higher-level reasoning skills.

Right now, Bard is only using a small part of what Gemini can do, but things are getting better. Next year, Bard Advanced will come out with a feature that can handle images, audio, and video, thanks to Gemini Ultra, the most powerful version. Gemini Ultra will work with more languages than just English, which is all Gemini Pro supports right now. The combination of Gemini and Bard means we’ll have more advanced and detailed conversations between humans and AI in the future.

Screenshot by Atif Sharif

Starting December 13, people can use Gemini by getting a license through Google Cloud for their own apps. Developers and businesses can access Gemini Pro through the Gemini API in Google AI Studio or Google Cloud Vertex AI. Android developers can use Gemini Nano. Google plans to improve its products like the Bard chatbot and Search Generative Experience using Gemini, which makes search results sound more natural (SGE is not widely available yet).

Companies and businesses can use Gemini to make customer service with chatbots better, suggest personalized products, and figure out trends in advertising. It’s also useful for creating content like marketing campaigns or blog posts. Gemini can help productivity apps by summarizing meetings or creating code for developers.

Google provided examples of Gemini’s capabilities, like taking a screenshot of a chart and analyzing extensive research pages to update the chart. Another example is analyzing a photo of someone’s math homework to identify correct and incorrect answers.

CEO Sundar Pichai just revealed Google’s new powerful AI model called Gemini. Gemini is smart — it can understand and mix up different things like text, code, audio, images, and videos.

There are three versions: Gemini Ultra is the biggest and most powerful, Gemini Pro is versatile for lots of tasks, and Gemini Nano is made for specific jobs and mobile devices.

Gemini is going to make Google’s chatbot Bard even better. Bard Advanced will use Gemini Ultra for more advanced thinking. Google says Gemini Pro is better than the older GPT-3.5 model, but they didn’t directly compare it to GPT-4. However, Gemini Ultra did beat GPT-4 in some tests.

Gemini’s launch was delayed because they wanted to test it thoroughly. Google is going to share a technical white paper about Gemini, but they haven’t said how long it will be. They say Gemini Ultra is not just better but also more cost-effective.

Concerning monetization, Google didn’t provide details, emphasizing a focus on creating a good user experience. Gemini will be integrated into Google’s experimental project, Search Generative Experience (SGE), which aims to make the search engine more conversational. However, there’s no clear timeline for SGE’s public launch.

In addition, Google unveiled the TPU v5p chip, designed for training AI models with improved performance at a better price compared to its predecessor. Investors are particularly interested in Google’s strategy to monetize AI, especially following the launch of the experimental Search Generative Experience (SGE).

Pichai is really excited about Gemini. He thinks it’s a big deal for Google in science and tech, opening up new chances for people around the world.

Google Gemini vs Chatgpt 4

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is making leaps and bounds, with companies like Google and OpenAI pushing the boundaries of what technology can achieve. Two notable players in this field are Google’s Gemini and OpenAI’s ChatGPT-4.

Google Gemini

Google’s Gemini is an advanced AI model designed to understand and work with different types of information seamlessly. Think of it as a smart multitasker that can handle text, code, audio, images, and videos. Released in multiple versions — Gemini Ultra, Gemini Pro, and Gemini Nano — it’s a versatile tool with applications ranging from customer service to content creation.

Key Features:

  • Handles diverse information types.
  • Suited for advanced customer service, product recommendations, content creation, and productivity apps.
  • Gemini Ultra, the largest model, claims to outperform human experts in Massive Multitask Language Understanding.

Access and Availability:

  • Available through licensing via Google Cloud.
  • Accessible versions include Gemini Pro and Gemini Nano.


  • Details about pricing and monetization models are yet to be specified.


Developed by OpenAI, ChatGPT-4 is the latest evolution in the ChatGPT series. It builds upon its predecessor, ChatGPT-3.5, with a focus on improving language understanding and generation. This model is your virtual conversational partner, capable of engaging in natural language interactions across various applications.

Key Features:

  • Enhanced language understanding and generation.
  • Applications in chatbots, content creation, and diverse conversational use cases.

Access and Availability:

  • Expected access through OpenAI’s platform or API.
  • Availability details depend on OpenAI’s release plans.


  • Access to ChatGPT models typically involves costs associated with API usage.

Google Gemini vs ChatGPT-4 Comparison

Google Gemini vs Chatgpt 4
Screenshot By Atif Sharif
Google Gemini vs Chatgpt 4
Screenshot By Atif Sharif
image made by Atif Sharif


Is Google Gemini available now?

As of the latest information available, Google Gemini is expected to be available, with a planned release date.

Is Google Gemini released?

Yes, Google Gemini has been released. The announcement was made, and the AI model is now accessible.

Is Google Gemini better than ChatGPT?

According to Google, Gemini is claimed to outperform ChatGPT in certain benchmarks, particularly Gemini Ultra compared to GPT-4.

What is Gemini in Google?

Gemini is Google’s advanced artificial intelligence model available in three versions: Gemini Ultra, Gemini Pro, and Gemini Nano. It can understand and combine various types of information, including text, code, audio, images, and videos.

Is Bard Gemini free?

Details about the pricing or free usage of Bard Advanced, powered by Gemini, are not specified. Google has not provided information on whether it will be offered for free.

Is Google Bard using Gemini?

Yes, Google Bard is using Gemini, particularly with the introduction of Bard Advanced, which utilizes Gemini Ultra for advanced reasoning.

Who is behind Gemini?

Gemini is the result of collaborative efforts by teams across Google, including colleagues at Google Research. Sundar Pichai, the CEO of Google, mentioned the large-scale collaboration in a blog post.

Can I use Gemini AI?

Yes, Google plans to make Gemini available to customers through Google Cloud. Developers and enterprise customers can access Gemini Pro and Gemini Nano starting from a specified date.

Is Gemini app free?

Information about whether the Gemini app is free or involves a cost has not been provided. The details of the pricing model are not mentioned.

Does Google own Bard?

Yes, Google owns Bard. Bard is Google’s chatbot that is now being enhanced with the capabilities of the Gemini AI model.

Is Gemini a good platform?

Google has highlighted Gemini’s capabilities, including its performance in benchmarks and its ability to handle various types of information. However, the perception of whether Gemini is a good platform may depend on specific use cases and user experiences.

Can I use Google Bard yet?

Yes, Google Bard is available for use. It has been introduced and is currently accessible for users.

Final Thoughts

In summary, Google’s new AI model, Gemini, is a powerful and versatile tool designed to handle various data types. It comes in three versions — Nano, Pro, and Ultra — with applications ranging from customer service to content creation. Gemini enhances the capabilities of Google’s chatbot Bard and shows promise for advanced human-AI interactions. Despite facing challenges in higher-level reasoning, Gemini’s delayed launch was due to thorough testing, and its Ultra version is both more capable and cost-effective. Accessible through Google Cloud, Gemini represents a significant advancement in AI technology, contributing to Google’s commitment to a positive user experience and future opportunities globally.

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Atif Sharif

SEO & PPC Expert, Content Writer. Helping companies attract potential customers through organic search results. Contact me: