How to Start a Blog and Make Money in 2024

Starting a Profitable Blog in 2024: Step-by-Step Guide

Atif Sharif
15 min readOct 27, 2023


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In 2024, blogging is still a powerful way to express yourself, connect with others, and maybe even make some money.

Whether you’re a writer, a business owner, or just someone with something to say, blogging is a cool way to do it. But here’s the deal: don’t expect to get rich overnight.

The internet is always changing, and while blogging can be rewarding, it takes time and effort to see real results.

In this article, we’ll talk about why blogging is important in 2024 and why it’s crucial to be patient and realistic with your goals.

Stick around, and we’ll break down the world of blogging in simple terms.

Whether you’re a newbie or a seasoned blogger, we’ve got tips and ideas to make your blogging journey in 2024 better.

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What Is a Blog?

A blog is like a personal diary on the internet. People and companies use it to write about things they like or know about.

It can be about anything, like their day, how to do something, or what’s happening in the world.

The newest stuff they write goes at the top. Blogs are an easy way to share ideas with the world online.

7 Reasons You Might Want To Start a Blog

There are many good reasons to begin a blog. You might want to start a blog because it’s a fun hobby, a way to make some extra money, a means to connect with others, or for any other personal goal.

1. Document Your Life

A blog is like an online journal, a place to save your thoughts and photos in one spot.

2. Express Your Creativity

Blogging allows you to be creative through writing, editing, and design, and it’s an affordable way to express yourself.

3. Share Your Unique Experiences

Your thoughts and experiences are unlike anyone else’s. A blog is a platform to share them, connect with others, and build relationships.

4. Connect with People

Blogging is a great way to meet new people, including fellow bloggers, content creators, and your audience. You can engage with them on social media platforms.

5. Improve Your Skills

Blogging is like a skill you can practice. It can help you become a better writer and teach you about digital marketing, which involves promoting things online.

6. Build Your Reputation

Creating a blog can establish you as an expert in your field. Your blog content can demonstrate your knowledge and experience on specific topics.

7. Generate Income

While it may take time, some bloggers make money through their blogs. It can be a source of additional income, whether you have an existing business or want to start a new one. According to Indeed, the average blogger makes about $37,074 per year.

Common Blog Misconceptions

To begin with, you don’t need to be famous or have a ton of experience to create a blog that makes money. Let’s address some of the common misconceptions people have about starting a blog:

Blogging Is Expensive

You can start a blog for free if you have an internet connection. Even if you decide to pay for a custom website, a unique web address, or professional photos, these expenses are relatively small compared to the money you can potentially make from your content.

Blogging Is a Dying Trend

Blogging is not dead or on its way out. It’s true that there are more blogs now than in the past, but that doesn’t mean you can’t create a successful one. While it might take more effort and some initial investment these days, it’s still a viable path to pursue.

Every Blog Post Must Be Perfect

You should be proud of what you publish, but don’t let the fear of not being “good” enough stop you. Blogs are like clay; you can always go back and make changes even after they’re published.

You Need a Big Following to Start a Blog:

You don’t have to be famous or have a huge social media following to start a blog. Many well-known bloggers today, like Joy Cho, Carly Riordan, and Blair Eadie, weren’t famous when they began blogging.

Blogging Is a Piece of Cake

While it may seem simple in theory (write, hit publish, done), in reality, it’s more than just writing. Unless you have help, or you’ve outsourced parts of running a blog, you’ll spend time on more than just writing. Depending on your topic, you might also need to do research or create additional content like photos or videos.

Blogging Is a Quick Way to Make Money

While blogging can earn you money, it’s not a fast path to riches. You need to build an audience interested in what you offer before the money starts coming in. So, patience and commitment are essential for success in the world of blogging.

12 Steps To Start a Blog

If you’re all set to kickstart your blog but not sure how to begin, these steps will ensure your success, no matter what you aim to achieve.

1. Choose Your Topic or Niche:

Finding a niche may seem challenging, but it helps establish your credibility in the long run. While you can discuss multiple subjects, ensure your primary focus is consistent and specific to engage and retain your readers.

2. Research Your Competitors:

Once you’ve decided on your topic, research who the major players in your niche are. Is your niche already crowded, or are there few people writing about it? Research will help you create content that stands out from the rest.

3. Define Your Audience:

Along with determining your niche, think about your target audience. Who will be reading your blog? This understanding will help you write articles that are valuable and relevant to your readers. Try to gather information about your ideal reader, such as age, location, occupation, media preferences, and challenges they face.

4. Plan Your First Blog Post:

After pinpointing your niche and audience, start planning your first blog article. This may require some research to ensure it’s something your audience wants to read. Check what existing articles are available on your chosen topic to find opportunities to create something better.

5. Choose a Blog Name:

Every blog needs a name that fits your niche or brand, is memorable, and easy to type. Make sure your chosen name isn’t already in use on the web and social media. Consider trademarking your blog’s name for added protection.

6. Develop Blog Branding:

Alongside your name, pick a font and color palette for your blog. You can do this yourself or hire a graphic designer. If you want a custom logo, you can create one using a free platform like Canva or collaborate with a designer.

7. Secure a Domain Name:

Once you have a blog name, it’s time to select a domain name. Check if your desired domain is available and purchase it through a domain registrar like Namecheap. Owning a domain is separate from choosing a hosting site, which comes next.

8. Choose a Web Hosting Service:

Choosing a web host is essential for establishing your blog. Several well-known hosting providers like HostGator, Hostinger, Namecheap, and Bluehost offer paid hosting services that don’t attach third-party branding to your domain. This helps you maintain a more professional and independent online presence.

9. Build Your Website:

You can create your website from scratch or use templates, depending on your budget and preferences. No-code web builders like Blogger or WordPress are user-friendly, even for beginners. Templates or themes can be free or cost between $10 and $200.

10. Upload Your First Article:

After designing your website to your satisfaction, upload your first article. You can edit content directly on your site or prepare it in a cloud-based editor like Google Docs. Always preview your blog post before publishing.

11. Promote Your Blog:

Share your blog content through social media or create new accounts to complement your blog. Social media is an effective way to distribute your links.

12. Track Your Analytics:

Use metrics like views, visitors, and clicks to measure your blog’s performance. Connect your blog to Google Analytics for in-depth insights. These analytics will be crucial for brand partnerships and advertising revenue.

How To Make Money With a Blog

Bloggers can earn money through various strategies, and the level of effort varies. Many blog income sources depend on factors like search engine algorithms and brand budgets, which can be unpredictable. To safeguard your income, it’s advisable to diversify by using multiple methods.

Brand Collaborations

Bloggers frequently partner with brands to produce sponsored content. This usually involves reviewing a particular product or integrating a product mention into your regular content.

These brand partnerships can be one-time arrangements or evolve into long-term collaborations based on your content’s performance and mutual interest.

Advertising Networks

Advertising networks pay bloggers to display ads on their blogs, whether based on ad clicks or other criteria. Some networks, like Mediavine, require a significant monthly view count (around 50,000) to run ads, while others, such as Google AdSense, have no minimum view count requirements.

Affiliate Links or Codes

Bloggers can join affiliate networks, allowing them to generate unique links to products they discuss on their blogs. This helps bloggers earn a commission when readers make a purchase. Common examples include Amazon Associates and LTK.

Affiliate codes work similarly, with brands providing unique codes for readers to use at checkout when shopping online. Bloggers promote these codes in their content to boost sales.

Digital Products

Selling digital products offers a low-effort, cost-effective way to provide products your audience wants. Digital products are accessible for immediate download or access upon purchase. Examples include printables (calendars, lesson plans, budgeting sheets), online courses, and e-books in PDF form.

Physical Products

Blogs can also be used to sell physical products, whether existing items from other channels or brand-new creations. Bloggers can incorporate links to existing products in their posts or develop merchandise aligning with their content and audience. For instance, a fashion blogger may sell T-shirts, hats, or tote bags featuring their blog’s branding.

Premium Content or Memberships

While blogs are typically free to read, bloggers can create an additional revenue stream by offering exclusive content behind a paywall. Devoted readers or fans can pay for access to this premium content. Platforms like Patreon and Buy Me a Coffee help creators host subscriber-exclusive content and memberships, with readers paying a recurring monthly fee.

Consulting or Coaching

If readers express interest in personalized advice or guidance, bloggers can use their expertise to offer one-on-one consulting or coaching services for a fee. This is a valuable way to monetize your blog and provide deeper insights to those seeking specialized assistance.

Final Thoughts

Beginning a blog can be an enlightening, enjoyable, and potentially profitable way to connect with others. Keeping a blog involves taking on various roles, but if you’re open to learning and evolving in this dynamic field, you’ll likely find both satisfaction and achievement.


How do bloggers get paid?

Bloggers get paid through various methods such as advertising, affiliate marketing, sponsored content, selling products or services, and donations from their readers.

How can I start a blog for free?

You can start a blog for free by using platforms like, Blogger, or Medium. They offer free hosting and simple tools to get started.

How do I start creating a blog?

To start a blog, you need to choose a niche, select a blogging platform, register a domain (if desired), create and publish content, and promote your blog.

How much do bloggers get paid for 1,000 views?

The earnings per 1,000 views can vary greatly, but it’s common for bloggers to earn around $1 to $10 or more per 1,000 page views, depending on factors like niche and advertising methods.

Which kinds of blogs make money?

Blogs that can make money often focus on niches like travel, lifestyle, health, finance, technology, and personal development. However, success can be found in almost any niche with the right strategy.

Do blogs still make money?

Yes, blogs can still be profitable in 2023 and beyond. Many bloggers continue to earn income through various monetization methods.

Is blogging still profitable in 2024?

Blogging’s profitability can vary, but in 2024, it’s still possible to make money from blogging if you have quality content and a solid monetization strategy.

Can I just start a blog?

Yes, anyone can start a blog. All you need is an internet connection, a blogging platform, and the willingness to create and share content.

Is blogging hard?

Blogging can be challenging, but it’s not necessarily hard. It requires consistent effort, writing skills, and knowledge of your chosen niche.

Which blog is best to start?

The best blog to start depends on your interests and expertise. Choose a niche you’re passionate about and have knowledge in.

Where can I write a blog?

You can write a blog on platforms like WordPress, Blogger, Medium, or by creating your own website with hosting services like Bluehost or SiteGround.

In which app is blogging done?

Blogging can be done through various apps and platforms like WordPress, Blogger, Tumblr, or by using dedicated blogging apps on your mobile device.

Which blogs are most successful? The most successful blogs are those that consistently produce high-quality, valuable content, engage with their audience, and effectively monetize their platform.

How do I choose a blog name?

Choose a blog name that reflects your niche, is easy to remember, and has an available domain. Consider using domain name generators for ideas.

What is a blog example?

An example of a blog is “The Huffington Post” which covers a wide range of news and topics, or “The Pioneer Woman,” a popular cooking and lifestyle blog.

Is writing a blog free?

Writing a blog can be free if you use platforms that offer free hosting. However, you may incur costs if you choose to buy a domain or use premium features.

How to start an article?

Start an article with a compelling introduction that grabs the reader’s attention and provides a clear idea of what the article is about.

What is a catchy name?

A catchy name is one that is memorable, unique, and piques interest. It should give potential readers a sense of what your blog is about.

Can I name my blog my name?

Yes, you can use your own name as your blog’s name, especially if you’re creating a personal or professional blog.

Does my blog need a name?

While it’s not mandatory, having a name for your blog can help establish your brand and make it more memorable to readers.

Which blog site is best for earning money?

The best blog site for earning money depends on your goals, but popular choices include, Blogger, and self-hosted WordPress sites.

How to create a website?

To create a website, you need to choose a domain name, select a hosting provider, and use a website builder or content management system like WordPress to design and publish your site.

How do I start my introduction?

Start your introduction by addressing the topic and providing a brief overview of what your article will cover.

How to write a good intro?

A good introduction should be engaging, relevant, and set the tone for the rest of the article. It should capture the reader’s interest.

How do I write my first article?

To write your first article, choose a topic, outline your content, write the article, proofread it, and then publish it on your blog.

How can I make $100 on my blog?

You can make $100 on your blog through various methods such as affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, or selling your own products or services.

How to earn $1,000 from a blog?

Earning $1,000 from a blog typically involves building a substantial audience, offering valuable products or services, and effective monetization strategies.

Can I earn money from Google Blogger?

Yes, you can earn money from Google Blogger by incorporating ads, affiliate marketing, and sponsored content into your blog.

Can a blogger become a millionaire?

It’s possible for a blogger to become a millionaire, but it often requires a significant audience, diverse income streams, and dedication.

How do I get 10k views on my blog?

To get 10,000 views on your blog, create high-quality content, promote your blog through social media and SEO, and engage with your audience.

Can you become a billionaire from blogging?

Becoming a billionaire from blogging is extremely rare. While some bloggers earn substantial incomes, reaching billionaire status is highly unlikely.

How fast can I monetize a blog?

The time it takes to monetize a blog varies, but it can be as quick as a few months if you consistently produce valuable content and effectively promote it.

How to make $500 a month blogging?

To make $500 a month from blogging, focus on monetization methods like affiliate marketing, ads, and selling products or services.

How to earn $100 a day?

Earning $100 a day from a blog typically involves a combination of high-quality content, substantial traffic, and effective monetization strategies.

What are articles for beginners?

Articles for beginners are typically informative and easy-to-understand pieces of content designed to introduce a topic or provide basic information.

Which article is used with “first”?

The definite article “the” can be used with “first” to refer to something specific, like “the first article” in a series.

How do you write your first page?

To write your first page, start with a clear and engaging introduction, followed by the main content that addresses the topic.

How to start a report?

Start a report by introducing the topic, providing background information, and outlining what the report will cover.

How can I introduce myself in English? You can introduce yourself in English by sharing your name, background, interests, and a friendly greeting.

What is a catchy intro? A catchy intro is an introduction that captivates the reader’s attention with a unique or intriguing statement, question, or anecdote.

How to start a chapter?

Start a chapter in a book or novel by setting the scene, introducing the characters, and engaging the reader’s interest in the upcoming events.

How do I start my first chapter?

Begin your first chapter with a compelling scene, a strong character introduction, or a moment that sets the tone for the rest of the book.

How do you write a first post?

To write your first blog post, choose a topic, create an engaging introduction, provide valuable content, and encourage reader engagement.

How do I title my first blog?

Title your first blog post with a concise and descriptive headline that accurately reflects the content of the post.

What is a blog entry?

A blog entry is a single piece of content or article published on a blog, covering a specific topic or subject.

How to write a blog in English?

To write a blog in English, use clear and concise language, organize your content effectively, and engage your readers with valuable information.

How do I write my page?

To write a page for your blog or website, choose a topic, structure your content with headings and paragraphs, and proofread for accuracy.

What is the first page called?

The first page of a book or document is often called the “title page” or “cover page,” and it typically includes the title, author’s name, and other relevant information.

Which is the first page?

The first page of a document is the one that appears at the beginning and usually contains the title, author’s name, and other introductory information.

What is blog writing?

Blog writing is the process of creating and publishing content on a blog. It involves researching, writing, and formatting articles on various topics.

What is an introduction example?

An introduction example could be: “In today’s fast-paced world, time management is a critical skill that can greatly improve your productivity and quality of life.”

How to write good articles?

To write good articles, focus on clear and concise writing, research your topics thoroughly, use engaging headings, and provide valuable information.

Which blog is trending?

Trending blogs change over time, but as of my last knowledge update in January 2022, topics like technology, health, personal finance, and sustainability were popular.

How to earn money from a blog?

You can earn money from a blog through methods like affiliate marketing, ad revenue, sponsored posts, selling products or services, and donations.

What is a successful blog?

A successful blog is one that consistently provides valuable content, engages its audience, and generates income through various monetization methods.

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Atif Sharif

SEO & PPC Expert, Content Writer. Helping companies attract potential customers through organic search results. Contact me: