Crafting Digital Realms: The Diverging Paths of Infrastructure as Code

Darko Klincharski
Published in
3 min readFeb 5, 2024

In the dawn of digital construction, crafting cloud infrastructure was akin to forging swords in medieval smithies— tedious, skill-intensive, and reserved for the dedicated few. Fast forward to the present, and the landscape of Infrastructure as Code (IaC) has transformed into a modern alchemy, turning lines of code into robust digital fortresses with ease and precision.

The Rise of IaC Languages

In the realm of IaC, two distinct schools of thought have emerged, shaping the way digital architects build their domains: declarative and object-oriented programming paradigms.

Declarative Languages:

Object-Oriented Languages:

  • TypeScript & JavaScript, Python, C#, Go — Pulumi
  • TypeScript & JavaScript, Python, C#, Go — AWS CDK

The Old Guard: Declarative Paradigm

The declarative approach to IaC, characterized by specifying the “what” of the infrastructure, offers a blueprint-like simplicity. Architects lay out their designs in high-level terms, letting the underlying tools materialize their visions with minimal direct instruction on the process. This methodology streamlines cloud construction, making it accessible even to those with a fledgling grasp of cloud sorcery.

The New Vanguard: Object-Oriented Paradigm

Contrastingly, the object-oriented paradigm invites architects to delve into the “how” of their creations, offering a granular control reminiscent of sculpting clay. This methodology appeals to those who seek the precision of a craftsman, allowing for intricate designs that cater to complex requirements. The flexibility here is vast but demands a more profound knowledge of programming principles.

The Duel of Paradigms

The contrast between declarative and object-oriented paradigms is like comparing architects who draft blueprints to those who mold their visions from the ground up. Each approach has its merits and pitfalls. The declarative method is lauded for its simplicity and ease of use but can sometimes struggle with complex scenarios. Meanwhile, the object-oriented approach offers unmatched flexibility at the expense of a steeper learning curve.

Bridging Worlds in DevOps

In the grand scheme of DevOps, the choice between paradigms influences more than just the technical architecture; it shapes collaboration, workflow, and the very culture of development and operations teams. The declarative method promotes a shared understanding, easing collaboration among team members of varying technical depths. The object-oriented approach, while potentially isolating those less versed in programming, empowers teams to tackle more nuanced and sophisticated automation challenges.

Gazing Into the Cloudy Crystal Ball

As we peer into the future, the landscape of IaC appears ripe for a convergence of paradigms. Innovations on the horizon suggest a blend of declarative simplicity with object-oriented flexibility, catering to a broader spectrum of digital architects. This evolution promises a future where constructing digital infrastructure is as intuitive as sketching a design on paper, yet as detailed as the brushstrokes of a masterpiece.

Conclusion: The Architect’s Choice

Navigating the evolving world of IaC requires a balance between the artistic vision of the declarative approach and the meticulous craftsmanship of the object-oriented method. The choice between these paradigms rests not in the superiority of one over the other but in the alignment with project needs, team skills, and architectural ambitions.

As the digital landscape continues to evolve, so too will the tools and languages at our disposal, each contributing to the rich tapestry of cloud architecture. In this journey of digital construction, the most potent tool is the knowledge to choose wisely, blending the art of the possible with the science of the practical to build the digital domains of tomorrow.



Darko Klincharski
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DevOps Engineer @ Automator of deployments, manager of infrastructure, watcher of logs, optimizer of databases, player/inventor of games…