React useMemo() hook simple example

Aleksandar Lazarevski
Published in
2 min readJan 11, 2021

Cutting right to the point where and when to use the useMemo() hook for code optimization.



React’s useMemo hook is a memoization function that caches a value returned by an expensive function. The goal of the optimization concept is that the execution of the expensive function runs only on the first render invoked, or it executes only when a referenced input parameter has changed its value.


Let’s take the following React Component for an example:

import React, { useState } from 'react';

const expensiveFunction = (inputValue) => {
let expensiveValue = inputValue * 42;

... lots and lots of computing depending on inputValue ...

expensiveValue = 'World';
return expensiveValue;

const MyComponent = ({ something }) => {
const [inputValue, setInputValue] = useState(''); const expensiveValue = expensiveFunction(inputValue); return <h1>Hello {expensiveValue}</h1>;

export default MyComponent;

From the code above, we can conclude that the expensiveFunction() will execute on every render of MyComponent , which is triggered by a state change of the inputValue or even something as a prop.

To solve this, we need to introduce useMemo to the expensiveFunction() and inputValue as a dependent parameter that will execute the expensiveFunction only if its value changes:

import React, { useState, useMemo } from 'react';

const expensiveFunction = (inputValue) => {
let expensiveValue = inputValue * 42;

... lots and lots of computing including inputValue ...

expensiveValue = 'World';
return expensiveValue;

const MyComponent = ({ something }) => {
const [inputValue, setInputValue] = useState('');
const expensiveValue = useMemo(
() => expensiveFunction(inputValue),
[ inputValue ]
return <h1>Hello {expensiveValue}</h1>;

export default MyComponent;

The first argument to useMemo is a creator function (factory) that executes the expensiveFunction (can be written inline) and returns the expensiveValue, where as the second parameter is an array of the dependent parameters that will trigger/execute the calculation when inputValue changes.

So as long as the dependent parameter inputValue does not change, the expensiveFunction will only be executed on the first MyComponent render. Every consecutive render will get the cached expensiveValue. This way we have an optimized React Component that is light to render.


These little tweaks to your child components can have a drastic improvement in your app’s performance. Exercise by identifying which parts can be memoized and be careful on the references not to over-do it. Look for list generators, filtered array values from an array prop, boolean values calculated from rarely changing big data passed onto the component or a web service result etc.



Aleksandar Lazarevski
Writer for

Software Developer, Principal Engineer and a connoisseur of the physical and abstract realms.