Talk to your Tarot (not)spread

2 min readMay 23, 2019

The Talk to Your Tarot spread is not a tarot spread at all. Not in the pedantic sense. This spread is basically just a deck shuffle, and then pulling cards as you feel and taking the meaning and messages they give you before launching into the next card.

This one plus one plus one plus more way of reading Tarot is great for beginners and experts alike, as it really connects to your deck and allows you to think about cards as individuals and apply it to whatever situation is clouding your brain. But the greatest use I have found for it is for improving my mental health. Particularly when I am in the deepest, darkest recesses of my mind. Floundering in shadow and drowning in self doubt. That’s when tarot can lift you up, give wings to your confidence and make your heart soar.

Watch the video to hear about my experiences with anxiety and how tarot helps me when I am in a fear-loop of negativity.

There are no set questions for this spread. It works best when your mind is jumbled and you don’t know what to ask. So just pull a card and use the answer to formulate the question. Keep doing so until you are in control of your mind and your emotions again.

Hopefully a spread such as this will help you. But the greatest help you can get when suffering with any level, any form and any type of mental health issue is to ask for help. Opening up to others and having a person that makes you feel safe and warm is invaluable.

You do not need to open all the way, and you don’t have to all the time. It’s fine to sit in the dark and talk to those in the light. It isn’t easy, but it can be done. Believe in yourself.

A great place to start, which helped me as well, is the website Full of information about mental health and tips and advice on what to do next.

Remember. The tarot always has your back.

Photo by Jeremy Perkins on Unsplash




Witch, Mother, Tarotist, Reader, Writer. Life and Success Coach via Tabwoo Institute Certification.