A focus, embrace, release tarot spread for today

Jason Almirez-Taglianetti
Tarot Journeys
Published in
4 min readMar 25, 2023


Photo by Dan Gold on Unsplash

I hope everyone is doing well and that your weekend is off to a great start. In today’s reading, I’m back to the Rider-Waite-Smith deck. So let’s dive in and see what the cards want us to focus on today.

Our first card shows us what to focus on: the Two of Cups.

In the Two of Cups, we see two people facing each other. Each holds a cup in their hand. Behind them, you can see a caduceus below the head of a lion with wings. You can see the male figure reaching out for the female’s hand. The landscape behind looks peaceful and serene.

Cups are about emotions and our relationships, so this card often reminds me of a wedding or some commitment ceremony. In the position of focus, this is asking us to focus on our relationships today. Check-in with your loved ones. And it doesn’t just have to be your partner, wife, husband, lover, etc. This could be a close friend or a family member. Anyone that we have in our life that’s important to us. Today, check in with people you care about today. Call your parents or your siblings. Spend some time with your partner. Whoever it is, make sure they know you care.

Our next card shows us an energy to embrace. And here we have the Seven of Wands.

In this card, we see a conflict. A fight is happening. A person stands atop a hill, seemingly protecting or defending his territory. You can see the other wands below him rising. Wands are connected with fire and actions. And here, we have a very action-oriented image.

As a card of embrace, this shows us that there is something we might need to fight for. Something important to us. This could come as a part of a project at work that we feel strongly about. It could be something that we believe in, and I feel like people might be trying to undermine those beliefs. It could be an argument with a loved one. Whatever it is, this card tells us to embrace the needed action here. Don’t shrink away from it. Face it, whatever it is. It’s not fun or easy. But it requires you to stand up, step up and do what’s needed. This is more about self-respect than anything else. You’ll feel better for standing up and saying what you need to say.

Our last card in the spread shows us an energy to release. Here we have the Two of Pentacles.

When we have a spread with two or more of the same number, it often means the energy of that number is amplified. The energy of two is that of unions and things coming together. I’m unsure how it will appear in our day today but take notice of how relationships or partnerships show up in your day today.

In the Two of Pentacles, we see a man juggling two pentacles connected with a ribbon that resembles an infinity symbol. We also get a sense that he might also be doing some fancy footwork. Juggling gives us the idea of balancing or keeping things in motion. And with the footwork, he’s not only trying to keep those pentacles from falling but also dancing. He’s got a lot going on here. He might be trying to do too much. Pentacles represent the element of earth and earthly things like work, money, possessions, and pleasures. This could mean that we’ve got a lot going on at work, things are precarious, and if anything doesn’t land just right, we could drop something causing a catastrophe. In this position, this card asks us to release this energy. To let go of this juggle for today. It asks us to put down the pentacles, put down our work, and walk away from it for a day. This brings us back to our first card. Spend time with a friend, lover, and family member, someone important to you. If you’re single, spend some time with yourself. Go for a nature walk, go to the spa or the gym. Have a delicious lunch somewhere you love. Whatever it takes of those you love today.

Thanks for reading today. If you enjoyed this reading or if it resonated with you, please leave a comment and let me know. If it didn’t, consider being a messenger and share this with someone who might need to hear this message.

I’m starting to offer readings to support my work with the tarot and to help others. If you’d like a reading with me, visit my livelogue page where I’ve set up several different readings you can choose from. I’d be happy to do a reading with you.

Thanks again for reading, and have a great day!




Jason Almirez-Taglianetti
Tarot Journeys

Intuitive tarot practitioner and lightworker writing to help people find healing, guidance, and insights.