A tarot reading for March 8th, 2023

Focus, Embrace, Release

Jason Almirez-Taglianetti
Tarot Journeys
4 min readMar 8, 2023


Photo by Viva Luna Studios on Unsplash

Today we are again looking at what the cards are telling us to focus on, what we should embrace, and what we should release. Our first card in the spread is Temperance.

Temperance shows an angel pouring water from one cup to another. She stands with one foot on the earth and the other in the water. In the background, a path leads to the mountains and the sunrise.

Giving us something to focus on, this card suggests that we focus on moderation and self-restraint. Maybe you feel like you’ve done too much of one thing and not enough of another. Addictions are an easy situation to get into with this card. But we can also do too much of anything, whether too much work or too many breaks. Perhaps we’re spending more time with our friends than our partners. Maybe we have an addiction to shopping or just like burgers! (I’m guilty of that myself) Whatever it is, this card asks us to focus on moderation today. Think about what we do in our lives and what we might be able to adjust to create more balance between our wants and requirements. It’s not easy, but it’ll help bring more balance to our lives.

The next card in our spread is a card that shows us something to embrace today. This card is the Nine of Cups.

Cups are about emotions; in this card, we see 9 cups displayed on an altar or shelf. A man sits in front of the shelf of nine cups and looks very happy. He is content with what he has and the achievements of his life.

Often we are too quick to focus on the negative aspects of our life and forget to acknowledge good things. And so that’s what this card is showing us today. To embrace our achievements and the positive things in our life. This could be as simple as reminding ourselves of all that we have been through and survived in the last few years. Take out that trophy and remember how good it felt when you won that game. Or think about the promotion you got a few years ago. It doesn’t have to be something that you acquired or achieved recently. This could be something you’re proud of from a long time ago, just as much as it could be recent. But take the time to honor it today. Remember how it made you feel and embrace that feeling today. Whatever you’ve achieved and however you choose to honor that, remember to embrace the positive in your life today.

The last card in our spread today shows us something we should release. This card is the 8 of Pentacles.

We see a man sitting on a bench while working on a pentacle. It looks like he’s carving out the design on a metal disc. This card has come up a lot lately. But as a card that tells what to let go of, this is an interesting one. In most cases, I’ll read this card as taking pride in your work or enjoying the work you do. The guy in the card doesn’t seem bothered by anyone and is free to make his career as he wishes. That feeling of being able to do our jobs without interference is often high on our wish list. We don’t like it when people get in our way at work. I don’t. I’ve left jobs I’ve loved because people wouldn’t stop getting in my way. But in the position of letting go, I see this card as saying that we should let go of that. Letting go of the negativity at work. Be like the guy in the eight of Pentacles who is just doing his job. He’s not worried about anyone else. And he looks happy in that space. So this card tells us to stop worrying about what our coworkers are doing or not doing. The advice here is to do your job to the best of your ability so that no now can fault you for anything. If someone is going down for doing things they’re not supposed to, it won’t be you. It’ll be someone else. And you can rest easy knowing that you’re safe and secure in what you do.

Thanks for reading today. If you enjoyed this reading or if it resonated with you, please leave a comment and let me know. It means a great deal to me to hear from you. If it didn’t resonate with you, you might have a friend or a loved one who might like to hear this message today. Consider sharing it with them. Thanks again for reading. Make good choices, and have a great day!




Jason Almirez-Taglianetti
Tarot Journeys

Intuitive tarot practitioner and lightworker writing to help people find healing, direction and hope in their daily lives.