A Tarot reading for Monday, January 23, 2023

Jason Almirez-Taglianetti
Tarot Journeys
Published in
4 min readJan 23, 2023


In today’s article, we’re changing things up a little bit. For the past week or so I’ve been doing single card draws as part of my learning and study of the tarot. I’m feeling pretty good about my growth that I’ve decided to change things up a little bit. I’ve decided to do two card readings as a way to start challenging myself. As a guitar instructor, I use challenges like this with my students to help them progress on their instruments. And this is my logic here as well. It’s in the challenge that we grow more. If we stay with what’s comfortable, we never really grow. We do continue to learn but it’s at a slower pace. And this is why I feel a lot of people take a long time to learn things whether it’s a musical instrument or tarot cards. So Let’s dive in.

Something else I did differently today was in my mediation with the cards. For the past week or so I’ve been trying to keep my mind blank as I shuffled. My hope was that I would get readings that were not about any one person or event. What I found though was that the cards still gave me messages that were for me. So today, As I held the cards in my hands, I thought about using the date as an intention. I thought for a few minutes about the date January 23, 2023. I mulled over it for a bit. As I shuffled I repeated the date, “Monday, January 23, 2023.” The two cards that fell out of the deck were The Fool and the 10 of Swords.

The Fool card represents new beginnings, new hope, new adventures, and new travels. There is optimism in this card. The fool is standing on the edge of a cliff holding a white flower in his left hand, and a rod with a bag on it in his right hand. There is a sense that everything he owns might be in that bag. Or everything he needs. There is a little white dog with him as well. The sun is shining, and he looks like he’s in a musical about to break out into a song as the main character of a musical play. The song would be about hope and dreams that are yet to be fulfilled. It would a song of wonder and enthusiasm for whatever adventure awaits. And it seems the dog is even getting in on the song as well.

Now to the 10 of swords. It’s a dark card. There’s a big black ominous sky in the background. Clouds hang low over the horizon. A man lies dead with 10 swords stuck into his back. his blood runs out, over and around him. Who is he? who left him there like this?

The 10 symbolizes the end of something. And not a half-cocked ending. This is the ending that says it’s really really over and done. The fact that he has ten swords stabbed into his body tells us there’s no way you can possibly think that it’s not over. This screams “IT’S DONE!” But 10 is also about the kind of completion that allows for something else to begin. It signifies that it’s over and something else can now start. There can be a new beginning here because there’s room for it now. I like to think that this card is the “Party’s over” card. You don’t have to go home, but you can’t stay here.

Putting these two cards together, I see that there has been a carefree feeling that we’ve had. That there was a time when we could relax and escape a little that we could let go of ourselves a little bit. We enjoyed our lives and our friends, family, etc. We got to stay up a little later, Watch a movie, cuddle on the couch until midnight with our romantic partner. But now that time is over. Now it’s time to buckle down and get back to work. Now I don’t mean to sound all doom and gloom here. Today is Monday, the first day of the new week. It’s a chance to start over and start something new. Maybe now there is some space for new ideas to take root and grow.

That’s the reading for today Monday, January 23, 2023. If you enjoyed this reading please leave a comment to let me know that you did. I started a new instagram this weekend you can find me there with the handle @jasondoestarot

Thanks again and have a great day!



Jason Almirez-Taglianetti
Tarot Journeys

Intuitive tarot practitioner and lightworker writing to help people find healing, guidance, and insights.