A tarot reading for the first day of spring 2023

Jason Almirez-Taglianetti
Tarot Journeys
Published in
4 min readMar 20, 2023

A three-card reading focusing on the energies we should focus on, embrace, and release for the spring equinox.

Photo by Joel Holland on Unsplash

Happy first-day spring! I hope your weekend was great and your week will be even better. Let’s dive right into the cards for today.

Today’s first card in our Focus, Embrace, Release spread is the King of Wands.

The King of Wands

The King of Wands sits on a throne sitting on a stone slab. It’s adorned with two creatures, the lion, a symbol of strength, and the salamander, a representation of fire. And the suit of wands is also connected with the element of fire. Here we see the salamander biting its tail, which is also a symbol of completion. Since this is the last card in the suit, there is a completion here. And we find ourselves at the end of one cycle while another begins. The Senenca quote that I’ve seen a lot lately… “Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end” rings true in this card with the salamander symbol. We also see a salamander on the stone slab as well.

The king in this card is pulling back his robe, also adorned with the circular symbol of the salamander. We can see his hand in the shape of a fist. And he looks like someone about to do something. It seems he’s about to stand up or something. Wands are also associated with actions. And here we have the king about to do something. We are at the beginning of a new cycle. And this is a great time to start something new. This card shows us that we should focus on our actions today. These actions however are rooted in something mature. Something we’ve been thinking about or working on quietly in the background for a while now. Now is a great time to start putting those ideas into motion. Focus on those ideas and bring them into the world. Put them into action.

Our next card shows us what to embrace, The Nine of Pentacles.

This card shows a man sitting on a bench, looking about as happy as anyone can. Behind him is an altar with nine cups arranged in a half circle. I feel like he’s just as content and pleased with himself and his cups as he might brag about them. He seems to enjoy showing off his cups. The yellow background of the card indicates that this is a happy card. Yellow is the color of optimism and hope. Cups symbolize water and our emotions, or our emotional mind.

This card reminds us to embrace our emotions. And, more importantly, our positive emotions. And don’t be afraid to show people that you are happy today if you’re happy. If not, it’s also ok to show people our genuine emotions. People offend ask us how we are as a form of greeting these days. It’s ok to be truthful when they ask. The hope is that they really care and genuinely want to know. The Nine of Cups asks us to embrace our emotions today, good or not-so-good. And don’t be afraid to show your emotions to the world. But I have a feeling that today will be a good day.

Our last card in today’s spread is our release card. This card gives us some idea of what thoughts, feelings, or energies we might release or let go of today. That card is the Six of wands.

The concept of action is strong today because it’s another wand in our spread. This card shows a man riding on horseback in what appears to be a large group. Everyone is holding their wands up in the air. The rider in the foreground has a wreath on the top of his wand and another wreath on his head. The Wreath is a symbol of victory as well as a symbol of the cycle being complete. Here we have two kinds of completions, Two wins. One of action sits at the top of the rider’s wand, and the other of thoughts being worn on the rider’s head.

This card is about achievement and success. The rider is being honored for something they have achieved. Something successful enough to warrant a big celebration. Even the horse seems to be honoring the rider by looking back at them. And this card asks us today to release our achievements. Let go of what we have accomplished in the last cycle and look at the next cycle and what we might accomplish going forward.

To sum up, A new cycle begins today, so focus on your actions, embrace your emotions in this new cycle, and let go of your past successes. Focus instead on what’s to come rather than living in the past.

Thanks again for reading today. If you’ve enjoyed this or if it resonated with you, please leave a comment to let me know. If it didn’t, maybe, there is someone in your life who could use this message today. Please ashore it with them. I’ll be very grateful if you do. Thanks again, and have a great spring equinox.




Jason Almirez-Taglianetti
Tarot Journeys

Intuitive tarot practitioner and lightworker writing to help people find healing, direction and hope in their daily lives.