A Tarot Reading For The Week Ahead — March 6–11, 2023

Jason Almirez-Taglianetti
Tarot Journeys
Published in
5 min readMar 5, 2023


Photo by Everton Vila on Unsplash

Today I’m trying out a different spread. I’ve been doing a two-card spread with a third card as a thought-of-the-day card for my daily readings. Last week Sunday, I did a look ahead using a cross spread. I liked it, but I researched and found the spread I’ll be using today. This will be a three-card spread with a thought-of-the-day card. I like having that card in there. Let’s jump in.

Our first card will be the card that represents our situation or our question. Today we’re looking at the week ahead and seeing what the week has in store for us. Our first card is the Two of Cups.

First off, I have to say that you’ll probably notice that all of our cards in today’s reading are cups. All except the takeaway, which we’ll see later. This week will be pretty emotional. The Two of Cups shows two people standing, facing each other. The woman on the left wears a white dress and blue tunic, while the male wears a multicolored tunic. They both have wreaths on their heads, each holding their cup. The male is reaching out to the woman. The head of a winged lion hovers above them. Between them are two snakes wrapped around a stake.

The Two of Cups is about relationships. Two things are coming together. The cups are a suit about emotions and the emotional part of our mind. So this card could be talking about a relationship built on emotions. Cups are also about intuition as well. This week, I feel like this card is speaking to us about a friendship or a lover. What this card is telling me about the week ahead is to honor our relationships. Tell your loved ones you love them for a few minutes. Ask them questions. Listen to their words and notice their actions. Take care of those you love and care about this week.

The obstacle card for this week is the Queen of Cups. I will say that this reading is a little bit tough because it’s taken me a while to understand why the Queen of Cups would be an obstacle. She sits on her throne, holding a very ornate cup. Probably the fanciest cup in the whole suit. She looks into her cup like a fortune teller might look into a crystal ball. She might be seeing something or having a vision. Cups are about emotions and the emotional side of our mind. But also intuition resides in that part of our brain as well. And you’ll notice her dress flows like the river at her feet.

The queen of cups represents a mature woman. Someone might be trying to get in the way of your relationships this week. She is a good person. She probably doesn’t mean to do any harm, really, and maybe she doesn’t even know that she’s doing it. But she is. Or perhaps you’re allowing this person to get in the middle. It could very well be that she doesn’t even know that this is going on. But someone is getting in the way. Whether they’re doing it on purpose or you’re allowing them to do it is the question that will need to be answered.

Our advice card is another cup — the Ten of Cups. Here we see a joyous scene where two adults are rejoicing at the sight of a rainbow. Two kids play and dance nearby. This is one of the happiest cards in tarot. This card often tells us we have everything we need. It tells us to celebrate and rejoice. To dance and be merry. As a card of advice for this week, this card tells us to celebrate our relationships this week. Don’t let anyone drag you down or get in the way of the people or things you love and care about. Have fun with those you love. If you don’t have the time to go out and celebrate, a simple call is enough. Just spend a few minutes sharing with your friends, family, husband, wife, lover, partner. However you choose to love, celebrate that this week in whatever way you can. These are the most important people in your life; let them know and ensure they know and feel that this week.

Our takeaway card for this coming week is Justice. She sits on a stone slab between two pillars. Between the pillars is a red curtain. And her robes are also red. She holds the scales in her left hand and a sword in her right.

Justice is all about balancing things about making sure that things are right. And when they are not, she has a sword to take care of it. That sounds harsh, but that’s how she is. She is tough, but she’s also fair as well. She’s not blindfolded like our usual depiction of justice today. Her eyes are wide open. She is watching. As a takeaway for this week, she asks us to think about balance. What does balance look like for you in your life? In your relationships? Are you spending too much time with friends and not enough with your partner? Or too much with your partner and not enough with friends? Or perhaps you’re working a lot right now, and no one sees you as much as they’d like or as much as you’d like. Whatever the case, think about the balance in your life this week. And see if there’s anything you can release to spend time doing what you love with the people you love.

Thanks for reading. If you enjoyed today’s reading or if it resonated with you, please let me know by leaving a comment. If it didn’t resonate with you today, consider sharing it with someone who might enjoy this message. Thanks again, and take care of yourself and each other.




Jason Almirez-Taglianetti
Tarot Journeys

Intuitive tarot practitioner and lightworker writing to help people find healing, guidance, and insights.