Daily Tarot Journal — Day 6

Jason Almirez-Taglianetti
Tarot Journeys
Published in
4 min readJan 19, 2023


Each day I am pulling a single card from my Rider-Waite-Smite deck and study the card that is given to me each day. Then I simply write my insights and intuitions about the card as they come to me. In doing this, I am learning to read the tarot and learning to further my intuition.

Last night I started to think a lot about magic and the magic that we all carry with us. It started as a thought about divination. I thought about how interesting the cards have been and how there is a sense of flow in them. It seems magical to me. But then my mind flashed to another time in my life when I used to do sound for theatre. I would watch my friends on stage do amazing things. And because I was in the booth I was able to see the effect they had on audiences. And it always blew me away just how powerful they were on stage. For example in a musical, I’d watch someone sing a song that would totally transport you to where they were, feeling what they were feeling, and would have you cheering for them or crying for them. That a performer with enough talent could take me to places that seemed magical to me. I was practically born on a stage. I’ve been involved in theatre and show business since I was 4 years old. I grew up around performers and I also perform from time to time as well. So I’m in on the trick and yet there’s still magic in it for me. And it reminded me that we are all magical to some degree. I know that a lot of us might have felt that way when we were kids but as we grow older we tend to forget that. We forget that we have magic in us and we go about our lives doing normal things like work, pay bills, doctor visits, and car insurance, etc. But if we tune in to it, we can access something magical.

The reasons why I bring all of that up is that because today’s card (pulled at random I promise!) Seems to amplify that idea. The card that fell out of the deck today is The Magician.

Tarot card, The Magician from the Rider-Waite-Smite Tarot deck.

This card depicts a man in robes, with all of the elements from the Tarot on a table. A pentacle, a cup, a wand, and a sword. His right hand is up in the air holding a rod of some kind and his left hand is pointing down with his index finger, extending further toward the ground. Above his head is an infinity symbol and suspended above him are vines with flowers. Below him are more vines and flowers.

The symbology at work here is pretty interesting. Symbols of each of the suits from the Minor Arcana are there. Each suit symbolizes a different element in our world. Earth, water, fire, and air. The rod in his hand could be a divinatory tool. The position of his hands indicates that the right hand being up in the air is positive and the left being down is negative suggesting a polarity. And the fact that his finger is extended downward signifies the flow of energy. And the fact that he’s in this pose suggests that he has this knowledge and perhaps a mastery of it.

I would not have even brought up my thoughts from last night if this card hadn’t shown up. I often have felt this way about ourselves but rarely do I talk about it let alone share it out loud. I often feel like I might be burned at the stake for some of those beliefs. So for me, this feels like an affirmation of just that.

The magician card signifies knowledge of and a mastery over the elements. The infinity symbol tells us that it is an ever-present and limitless energy or ability that we possess. And I say we because I feel that everyone is capable of producing some kind amount of magic. Others may be more tapped into it, but I feel like everyone can do it. And the Magician card shows up to tell us that. It also shows us that all the things we need in order to manifest our desires, create good will in our lives, and to create magic, is already around us. Ready to be utilized for good purposes. All we have to do is learn to use the tools we have and that this mental work is what affects the material world and creates the magic we are capable of. And again the infinity symbol is there to remind us that this is not limited. We are capable of so much more than we realize.

So I’ll say to you, believe in magic. Believe that you are capable of being magical. And you might just start to see it all around you every day. And perhaps in places you might not expect.

Thanks for reading. If you’re enjoying this series leave a comment and let me know. I look forward to connecting with you.



Jason Almirez-Taglianetti
Tarot Journeys

Intuitive tarot practitioner and lightworker writing to help people find healing, guidance, and insights.