Daily Tarot Reading — February 28, 2023

Jason Almirez-Taglianetti
Tarot Journeys
Published in
5 min readFeb 28, 2023


Welcome friends. I hope your week is off to a great start. This morning I asked the cards for some guidance and asked them, and here’s what we got.

Usually, when you see several cards from the major arcana in a reading, the reading will be about forces more significant than ourselves. So far, two of the three cards today are major arcana cards. Our takeaway card has not yet been seen in the reading. The first card, which represents our day, is The Star.

In The Star, we see a nude woman pouring two water pitchers. One is being poured onto land, while the other is into a small body of water. She has one foot on the earth and the other in the water. All of the stars in this card are six-pointed stars. A bird sits in a tree in the background.

This card represents renewal and hope. Water symbolizes emotions, and this card shows a fair amount of water, so it’s safe to say that today may be an emotional day for some. And being naked can be seen as a sign that she has nothing to hide. There are no ulterior motives here. She is simply renewing the water source. Our emotions will be restored today. Maybe you’ve been feeling down lately. Or just feeling your best. Not sick, just not feeling 100%. Today will have some renewed energy and renewed emotions. And this is something we don’t have any power over. So there’s no sense in dreading it or worrying about it. It just happens, and if we allow it, it will benefit us. If we fight it, we’ll run into problems.

Our advice card today is The Moon. Another card from Major Arcana signifies that there are things beyond our control. And the moon is a powerful force in our lives. This card shows a Moon in the sky between two towers. A dog and a wolf are baying at the moon. A lobster is also seen observing the moon.

I always love this card because of the lobster. Why is he there? The lobster is a creature of the sea. While the other two are from land. This signifies that the energy from this card affects us all. There is no prejudice in what this card is about. The moon has an effect on all living things on this earth. It affects the tides as well as the creatures of the planet. It serves to light our way in the dark and pulls on us. The moon is a feminine energy and symbolizes intuition. It reminds us to trust our intuition. To trust our gut. We know how things should be, and if something comes up and you don’t feel right about it, chances are high that you’re right more often than not. Trust what you feel today. Trust that little voice in your head that says things are good or not.

Dogs often bark at things to warn us. Or they want someone to know that they are there and are seen. If someone tries to sneak up on us, our dogs often tell us by barking. Dogs are usually very good at figuring out whether things are good. In this card, the dogs are seen barking or baying. To me, this signifies that something isn’t right. They’re concerned, and they’re letting us know.

As the advice card in today’s spread, this card tells us to be wary today. The Star gives us a renewed sense of purpose, or maybe we feel like our emotions have been recharged, but we should be wary of those who may want to bring us back down again. People who want our energy have a strong pull on us but can only take what we give them. Protect your energy today. Please keep it safe, and don’t let anyone bring you down. Misery loves company, as they say. Stay in your emotional lane. Keep that smile on your face, and feel good about yourself. Don’t let anyone take that away from you.

Our takeaway card today is the Lovers. Another card from the Major arcana. I’ve never had a reading with all Major cards before. So this is huge. The lover’s card shows two people, one female and the other male standing nude while an angel floats above them. The female on the left looks up at the angel, while the male on the right looks at the female. Each of them has a tree behind them. The sun is large and bright. A serpent is seen climbing the tree behind her. This references the garden of Eden and the Adam and Eve story.

As a card that gives us something to think about for today, the Lovers card tells us that love is a powerful force in our world. This card also symbolizes unions and the coming together of two people. It signifies attraction and beauty. A deep love that has strong bonds. The kind of love that takes your breath away. That makes you ache. It is the kind of Leo that when it’s gone, it hurts. But this card is not about the loss of love. It’s about being in love, fully and completely. It’s about enjoying that love to its fullest. This card tells us to honor and enjoy the love we have in our lives. To celebrate it. The angel tells us that this kind of love is sacred. And should be treated as such.

As the takeaway card today, the Lovers card asks us to look deep within ourselves and ask ourselves what love means. If we have love in our lives, are we honoring that love? If we don’t have it, are we making steps toward finding it? What about the love we can have for ourselves? Do you love yourself? And do you honor and celebrate the love? Whatever you feel about this card, spend some time today thinking about love and the love in your life or the love you want in your life.

Thanks for reading today. Please let me know by leaving a comment if you enjoyed this or if it resonated with you today. If it didn’t resonate, perhaps you know someone who might benefit from this message. Please share it with them. Thanks again for reading, and have a great day!




Jason Almirez-Taglianetti
Tarot Journeys

Intuitive tarot practitioner and lightworker writing to help people find healing, guidance, and insights.