Daily Tarot Reading for January 31, 2023

Jason Almirez-Taglianetti
Tarot Journeys
Published in
4 min readJan 31, 2023


Here we are the last day of January. This month has gone by so fast. Or at least it feels that way to me. I started off this month with an idea that I might learn to read the tarot and now I’m fully in it. So far it’s been great. And I look forward to sharing more with you guys next month.

I meditated for a bit today on the side of the last day of the month. And today’s date. Usually, when I shuffle the cards I get one card that falls out on its own first, then another. That third card can sometimes take a little while to fall out. Well, today they all decided to fall out at the same time. One on top of the other as a pack. I took the top card as the first and the bottom card as the last.

Our first card, the situation card, shows a man sitting under a tree. It looks like a nice place to sit and reflect. The grass is green and it seems to be a lovely day. But he doesn’t look happy. Something is amiss. I wonder if he’s unhappy with his life or if he’s reflecting on what steps he might take next. There are three empty cups on the ground and there is a cloud in the sky handing the man a cup. I see this as his cups are empty. He’s given all he can right now. His energy and his emotions are depleted. He needs a break. A chance to rest and recoup. He needs a wellness day. But here, the universe is handing him another cup as a gift. If he takes it, it will increase his capacity. When he recovers, he’ll have more to give.

Our action card is actually one of inaction. The knight of pentacles is at rest. Even the horse is at rest. The card shows a knight on a black horse. In his hand, he is holding a pentacle. The knight of pentacles is a solid guy. Reliable, and strong, he’s wearing armor that suggests he is prepared to do what he needs to do. He’s also patient. I see him as taking a break also. He’s his horse taking in the landscape around him. The black horse is a symbol of power and wisdom. He is a strong horse but he too needs rest every now and then.

We turn to our last card for advice, the seven of cups. The image on the card is of a man looking into the clouds. He sees seven cups. One has a head in it which may symbolize thoughts or god perhaps, and another cup has an object in it but it is covered. I see this as an unknown thing. A thought that might be plaguing us. Another cup shows a serpent poking out. The fourth cup shows a tower or a castle, the fifth is full of bobbles and jewels. Another cup shows a laurel wreath and the last shows a dragon about to pounce. These represent our fears and worries. These are the things that keep us up at night. This card also suggests that we might be juggling a lot of different things. However, in this spot in the reading, I see it as something to consider. Something to think about as we move forward in our day.

What I see in this spread is that we should rest, and take a wellness day. If we can’t, try to rest at some point today. Take an extra break or just take it easy today. The world will understand. Besides, there will be a lot to do later and we’ll need that extra cup filled so we can be ready to go when it comes.

That’s my reading for today. If you enjoyed this reading or if it resonated with you please leave a comment and let me know. It’s really the only way I’ll know that it did resonate with you. And if it didn’t perhaps share this with a friend who might need to hear this message today. Thanks for reading and enjoy resting today.




Jason Almirez-Taglianetti
Tarot Journeys

Intuitive tarot practitioner and lightworker writing to help people find healing, guidance, and insights.