Focus, Embrace, Release. A three-card tarot reading for today.

Jason Almirez-Taglianetti
Tarot Journeys
Published in
5 min readMar 22, 2023
Photo by Jen Theodore on Unsplash

Halfway through another week. I hope you’re having a great week so far, and I hope that it gets even better from here. Let’s dive into today’s reading.

Our first card showing us what to focus on is the Hierophant.

This card shows a man who looks like a pope or a priest sitting in a chair between two pillars. Very similar to the High Priestess or Justice. He wears a tall crown with three tiers and red robes. He holds a scepter with three crosses in one hand, and the other is held up as if in the middle of a benediction or a blessing. Two disciples are seen at his feet. Between them are two keys.

The Hierophant — A pope or priest sits on a chair giving a sermon or a benediction

I must admit that the first time I went through the deck, I had to google ‘hierophant’ to see what the word meant. The Oxford dictionary says this of the hierophant “a person, especially a priest in ancient Greece, who interprets sacred mysteries or esoteric principles.”

In the context of readings, the Hierophant doesn’t always mean a religious figure. This card can represent a teacher or a mentor, anyone with knowledge to be shared — someone who can bring us into their practice. The three tiers on his crown represent the three levels of our mind, the conscious, the subconscious, and the superconscious. Our mind that we control, the subconscious where our thoughts and feelings get processed, and then our higher self. In a way, the hierophant can show us how to connect with our higher selves. To connect with the energy that allows us to divine information, seek wisdom from the universe, etc. And in this card, we see him actively teaching and guiding two people into his practices.

And this card asks us to focus on etchings today. Take the time to learn something new. Seek out knowledge that helps you grow a little more. Find something you’d like to learn and learn it. A book or a website can be just as much a teacher as anyone can. And just because this card has religious or spiritual overtones doesn’t necessarily mean that the knowledge you seek is religious or spiritual. It can be anything from learning a musical instrument to how to bake a pie. So today, focus on your learning.

Our next card gives us an idea of energy to embrace. That card is the Page of Pentacles.

The page of pentacles is shown standing in a field wearing a green tunic with a great red headscarf. He holds up a pentacle as if he is observing it and examining it, and noticing all the details of this particular pentacle.

The PAge of Pentacles — A young man stands in a field studying a single pentacle.

This card shows a young person taking the time to notice something. Pentacles are all about earthly things. And pages in the tarot represent a young or student energy. And so we have a young person studying a pentacle and studying earthly things. He is actively engaged in learning. And we see this card directly supported by the previous card. This card asks us to embrace the study of something earthly. You may be interested in learning more about money today. Or perhaps you’re considering buying a home and unsure where to start. Maybe you’re curious about earthly pleasures? Whatever it is, this card says to embrace the study of something worldly. Go ahead and learn more about the stock market or about 401ks. OR perhaps gardening is more your thing. Whatever it is, embrace it with youthful energy, and don’t be afraid to ask questions and make mistakes. It’s all a part of the learning process.

An alternative reading to these two cards is that if you are a teacher, these two cards might be asking you to be a better teacher. Remember that you are a mentor and a guide for people eager to learn. That people are seeking your wisdom and knowledge, and it’s up to you to be the best teacher you can be. Focus on and embrace your teaching today with the energy of a master and the power of the young.

Our last card shows us what to release today.

The Knight of Cups — A knight rides on a grey horse holding a cup in his hand.

The knight of Cups shows a knight on horseback in motion. He holds a single cup as he rides across a river into a mountainous landscape. He has wings on his helmet and his feet. This indicates that he is connected to the god Hermes, the messenger. So here we have a messenger bringing a cup. Cups are associated with the element of water and represent our emotions. In this card, we see the knight delivering an emotional message, perhaps. He might tell us about a lover or a new love if we’ve been single for a while. Maybe this is sad news. But since this card is the release card in our spread today, this card asks us to release and let go of this emotional news that he brings us. Whatever it is, don’t let it get to you today. Don’t let it bother you. Keep your head up and your eyes on the prize, as it were. The knight in this card is stoic and strong, so we can be strong today and let go of anything that bothers or weighs us down.

Keep your head up today and focus on what you’re learning or your teachings. And be a good role model or mentor if you can do so.

Thanks for reading today. If you enjoyed this or it resonated with you, please let me know by commenting below. If it doesn’t resonate, please share it with a friend who might need to hear this message today.

Also, I’m starting to offer readings for a low price of just $5 to support the writing and my efforts with tarot. If you’d like a tarot reading, click this link, and it’ll take you to my buy me a coffee site, where you can purchase readings from me.

Thanks again for reading, and have a great day!




Jason Almirez-Taglianetti
Tarot Journeys

Intuitive tarot practitioner and lightworker writing to help people find healing, direction and hope in their daily lives.