Focus, Embrace, Release

A Daily Tarot Reading for March 17th 2023

Jason Almirez-Taglianetti
Tarot Journeys
6 min readMar 17, 2023


Photo by Viva Luna Studios on Unsplash

Happy St. Patricks Day to everyone. Hope you’re week is going well and you’re looking forward to the weekend and, of course, maybe an Irish average to celebrate with. Let’s see what we can focus on, embrace and release for today.

Our first card shows us what to focus on: the Ace of Wands. This card shows a large white hand coming from a cloud with a large wand. The wand has leaves sprouting from it despite not being connected to the earth or the tree it came from. We also see a landscape with a river and a town or castle in the distance.

The Ace of Wands — a hand from the clouds hold a large wooden wand

Wands represent action and creativity. They are connected to the element of fire and contain all the properties of fire in that regard. Being the first card in the suit of wands, this card is the wand of all wands. It’s The Wand! This wand is a gift from the heavens, the divine, or our higher self. Ideas that come up when new think about this card are creation and invention. A beginning of things. The Source, origins, something new. And all of this is wrapped in this card. But today, this card focuses on creativity, invention, new things, and new ideas. Spend time focused on your creativity and what you might create today or this weekend. Also, remember that this ability is a gift. To be able to create is something extraordinary. Cherish and enjoy your creations.

Our next card in today’s spread, what to embrace, is the Queen of Cups.

Queen of Cups — The Queen of Cups sits on her throne adorned with Cherubs. Her throne sits near a river or perhaps near the ocean. Her robe mingles with the water at her feet. She holds an ornate cup, the most ornate cup in the Rider-Waite-Smith deck. She is a good queen, strong and confident, a mature woman; She’s very much in touch with her emotions and intuitions.

The Queen of Cups sits on her throne adorned with Cherubs. Her throne sits near a river or perhaps near the ocean. Her robe mingles with the water at her feet. She holds an ornate cup, the most ornate cup in the Rider-Waite-Smith deck. She is a good queen, strong and confident, a mature woman; She’s very much in touch with her emotions and intuitions. How she looks at her cup makes me think she sees a vision or something along those lines. She is a spiritual woman.

The queen reminds us to embrace our emotional side. Not to be afraid of our emotions. Our society tells us that our emotions must be kept inside. To not be shown publicly. That there is a sense of weakness when you’re emotional. As emotional beings, this is not true. I find it empowering when someone chooses to share their emotions with you. It’s courageous and takes a strong person to share that with others. You never know how someone will react when they see you as an emotional being. But there is a strength that comes from that. Of course, you should also be careful with whom you share this side of yourself. But it would be best if you never were so guarded that you never show emotion. I’m not suggesting that we all show our feelings without restraint here. We should also control our emotions, so they don’t get the best of us. And so that others don’t take advantage of us. Today spend some time embracing your emotions and your emotional side. Get in touch with that part of yourself and see what comes up. If you need a good cry, find a quiet place and let it go. Maybe talking about your emotions with a close friend, a loved one, or a therapist is for us today.

Our last card shows us what energy we might want to release today. The card that comes up is the Ten of Cups.

The Ten of Cups shows a mature man sitting in a village square. He wears a robe adorned with grapes, symbolizing wealth and prosperity. Two others engage in small talk as they pass each other. Two dogs are being petted, but the older man and a child peeks out around his mother’s robe to watch the dogs and the man. And, of course, there are ten pentacles arranged on the card.

With this card, I find it difficult to see past the pentacles because of the way they are arranged. And I never saw it until today, but how the pentacles are laid out on the card is similar to how you would lay out the cards for a tree of life spread. The tarot is funny that way that there are symbols hidden all over these cards. Many of them are in plain sight. I’ve known about the tree of life spread for quite a while. And the symbol is well-known to me as well. But I’ve never done that particular spread. I have started looking at that spread only recently, which is probably why I see it now in this card.

The tens in the Rider-Waite-Smith deck are all about excess to some degree or another. In the ten of the pentacles, we see luxury in the archway with its tapestries and decorations. We also see the pentacle arranged in the tree of life pattern, which shows us all the paths to enlightenment. So we have that angle in this card as well. All the earthly things and the pathways that lead to enlightenment. And through all this, we see a happy life here on earth. The older man petting the dogs is wearing a very ornate robe covered in symbols of wealth. The people talking seem uninterested in the man, which means they probably know him, and the fact that he’s there is a sheer indicator that he belongs. He’s always there. Often when you have something in your life, you take it for granted. Pentacles are connected to the element of Earth and therefore represent earthly things like money, work, possessions, inheritances, etc. This card is showing us something about our earthly life. As the card of release, it tells us not to worry about our money or possessions. And I know this one might be tough since money is a big deal nowadays. We have banks failing and collapsing. Inflation is rising again, gas prices are rising, and Goods and services seem to be increasing due to higher costs. So it’s easy to worry about our money these days. We live in uncertain times. But if you look back through history, you’ll find this has always happened. Prices are always going up. While wages always seem to stay the same. The Cost of living is rising everywhere. I used to think it was a local phenomenon, but it’s not. It’s happening everywhere. So I get it; It’s easy to worry about money. The ten of cups ask us to spend to let it go for today. Just for today, let go of your financial concerns. I’m not telling you to go and spend your money foolishly. By all means, take care of yourself and your finances, but perhaps let go of the worry, the fears, and the anxieties surrounding your financial matters today. They say that worrying doesn’t solve anything, and it’s true. Also, don’t let the number you see on your bank statement tell you how to feel about yourself today.

Sorry, this has been a long but important one to go through. So, to sum up, spend the day focusing on your creativity and new ideas that come to you. Embrace your emotions, and if you have worries and fears about your finances, let go of that worry and anxiety. It only drags you down further.

Thanks again for reading. If you enjoyed this or if it resonated with you, please leave a comment and let me know. If it didn’t, perhaps you have a friend or loved one you might share this with who might want to hear this message today. Take care of yourself and each other. Thanks again.




Jason Almirez-Taglianetti
Tarot Journeys

Intuitive tarot practitioner and lightworker writing to help people find healing, guidance, and insights.