Messages from the tarot for March 9, 2023

Jason Almirez-Taglianetti
Tarot Journeys
Published in
4 min readMar 9, 2023
Photo by T A T I A N A on Unsplash

Today we’re using the Embrace, Focus, Release spread. When I shuffled the cards, these three cards jumped out of the deck this morning. A good indication that the cards want to tell us something important. Either that, or I’m getting a late start, and the cards are excited to start. Let’s dive in.

The Nine of Cups — A man sits on a bench in front of an altar showing nin cups on a blue cloth.

Our first card that jumped out was the Nine of Cups. This card showed up very recently, and here it is again. This typically means that the energy of this card is still with us, and we still need to hear what it has to say. The card shows a man sitting on a bench. He looks pleased and content. Behind him are nine cups on a shelf or altar of some kind. A blue cloth on the altar reads to me like it could symbolize water. And the background of the card is yellow, which shows me that this is a happy card full of joy and optimism.

As the focus card in our spread, this card tells us to focus on happy feelings. Feelings of joy and hope. Optimism and happiness. To be content with what we have. The achievements we’ve made. The progress in our life to date. Be satisfied with what you have accomplished so far. There is no reason to be sad or miserable about any of it. Sometimes we don’t realize just how much we’ve grown. How much we’ve accomplished. And just how important all of that is. And, of course, how important it is to celebrate it. We’ve done well. Enjoy it.

Our next card is the two of wands and shows us what to embrace today.

The Two of Wands — A man stands on a balcony looking out over a shoreline scene. He holds a golbe in his right hand and a wooden staff or wand in his left hand.

The Two of Wands shows a man standing on a balcony holding a wand in his left hand, the hand of intuition. In his power hand, the right hand, he holds a globe. He stares out at the world from his balcony over a shoreline view. The view in the background reminds me of the view from a hotel in Waikiki, Hawaii. The man appears to be in thought. Perhaps he is planning something or working something out. The suit of wands is about creativity and action, so he is most likely creating something or working on something creative in his mind that will soon be put into action.

As far as showing what to embrace, this card shows us that we should embrace a little bit of planning today. Spend some time making plans that you will put into practice or action. Or perhaps work on an existing plan that is already in motion. Sometimes current projects need little re-working or minor alterations as we see the plan unfolding and how we might improve it. Either way, you can go wrong spending sometime today working on your plans. Whether for a project at work, a weekend getaway with friends, or a road trip with your family, embrace planning in your life today.

Our last card in today’s spread shows us what to release. The card is the Ten of Swords.

The Ten of Swords — A man lies face down in a pool of blood with ten swords stuck into his back. The sky is ominous and there is a hint of light in the sky indicating sunrise.

This is a great card to get as a release card. This is the energy you might not want to embrace or focus on. The card shows a man laying face down on the ground. He has ten swords stuck into his back. There appears to be blood flowing all around him. The background is a bleak scene with a dark sky. Some yellow is on the horizon, indicating that all is not lost here. There is some hope. Not a lot but some.

I often call this card “The Party’s over!” card. And it’s reallyover! It doesn’t get more final than having ten swords stuck into you. Tens are about endings that lead to new beginnings. Similar to the way we tend to view the day cycle. It’s not a new day until the sun rises. Before that, it was still nighttime. We see that as night even that minute just before the sky gets brighter. And this card is like that. It’s the moment just before the new day begins. Just before the sky gets lighter and the sun peaks above the horizon, this card signals an end so that something else can begin.

This card is telling us here, though, to stop worrying about the result. The end is not the critical part. The important part is how we get there. It’s about the journey, not the destination. You might find yourself working on a project and feeling concerned about the finished product. Or you might be focused on the results of all your work. Put that aside for today. You can worry about it some other time. Focus on the achievements now, and embrace the plan you’ve created. If the plans need to change a little, that’s good. But that’s where our focus should be today.

Thanks for reading. If you enjoyed this or if it resonated with you, please let me know by commenting. If it didn’t resonate with you, perhaps there is someone in your life who might enjoy hearing this message today. Please share it with them. Thanks again for reading, and have a great day!




Jason Almirez-Taglianetti
Tarot Journeys

Intuitive tarot practitioner and lightworker writing to help people find healing, direction and hope in their daily lives.