Tarot reading for the week of February 27-March 3

Jason Almirez-Taglianetti
Tarot Journeys
Published in
5 min readFeb 26, 2023


Photo by Viva Luna Studios on Unsplash

Welcome friends. As I progress in my tarot readings, I’m starting to look for new things, and one idea that struck me was to do a reading for the week ahead. So I asked my question: What do the cards show us for the week ahead? I shuffled, and four cards fell out as a pack. At first, I arranged them in the order they fell in my usual three-card spread. But that would mean I’d have to omit the fourth card. I started to do that and then got the message that I should read this as a cross instead. I pulled a fifth card to finish the cross, and at the end, we’ll do a takeaway as always.

Our first card in our spread sits in the middle of the cross. This is the card that represents our question. The Four of pentacles shows a man seated on a bench with four pentacles surrounding him. Two are beneath his feet. He is holding on to another, and the last pentacle sits on his head. There is a city behind him.

This card tells us that there is a good solid foundation for matters of money this week. The pentacle he’s holding on to symbolizes cash in our possession. That we have and should hang on to it s best we can. Not hoarding, but perhaps being careful with your money this week. And the pentacle on the head also signifies that there are thoughts of money this week. So it’s not just that we have money in the bank but that we should be careful with our spending and perhaps think about how we use it.

Our second card sits beneath the center card; this card is the foundation of our question for the week. And it’s no surprise that the cared is another pentacle. The Page of pentacles shows a man dressed nicely holding a pentacle to examine it. He stands in a lush garden or felid of some kind. There is a farm and mountains in the distance. The sky being yellow is a good indication that the foundation of our week will be optimistic. This week starts with a good feeling about the money we have. Perhaps we just received a paycheck or some amount of money in our accounts.

The next card in our spread sits above the center card and represents our aspirations for the coming week. The card here is the Two of Swords. It shows a woman seated on a bench before a large body of water. She is blindfolded and holds two swords in each hand with her arms crossed. When I see this card, I think about the phrase “of two minds.” She’s blindfolded to tune out everything around her and focus on what she needs to think about. The swords are about the mind and our inner thoughts. And the two’s are all about joining and coming together. And here we see just that, a woman trying to focus on her thoughts to decide between two ideas. They are both of equal value. Either one will serve her well; it’s just a question of which one she will pick. This could be because we hope to have some time this week to do some contemplation or that contemplation is needed for the week ahead of us. Perhaps we should spend today thinking about the week ahead.

Our next card in the spread sits to the left of our center card; this is the past card. The card that landed in this position is the Two of Pentacles.
The image on this card shows a man juggling two pentacles while appearing off balance. There is a string wrapped around his hands and the pentacles in the shape of an Infiniti symbol. There are two ships in the background sailing in rough conditions. The boat on the left has none of its sails up, while the one on the right has all of its sails up. Earlier, I wrote that the two cards are all about things coming together. This card speaks to just the opposite of that idea. This card tells us we can juggle many things, yet things will not come together. The two ships in the background also tell us this. The sea is rough, and the one trailing behind doesn’t have its sails up. They’ll never reach the other boat like that. But there’s good news because this card is in our past. It seems like we had some trouble in our recent past keeping things together. We tried and tried, and things just never really worked. Luckily it’s in our past, and we can try to put that behind us this week. This card tells us to let go of all that juggling and work to make things work that never will. Drop it and walk away from it.

Our last card speaks to our immediate future, the High Priestess. She sits on her throne, guarding the temple. Two pillars on either side of her, one dark, one light. Behind is a veil that keeps a watery landscape from being seen or accessed. She wears a crown with a moon, and a crescent moon sits at her feet. She is the guardian of sacred knowledge and intuition. She is intelligent and trustworthy, caring as well as strong. As she represents what’s coming this week, she speaks to us about trusting your intuition and the knowledge you have as you go through the week. That we have what we need to go forward and make good choices this week, all you have to do is trust your instincts, and things will be fine.

Our takeaway card for the week is Temperance. It shows an angel with one foot in the water and one foot on the land. She holds two cups and mixes water from one cup with the other.

Too much of something is bad for us, and this card speaks to us of moderation. Going about your life this week, remember to do all things in moderation. Balance is essential; too much work and short play can lead us down dark paths. Too much space and not enough work can leave us feeling bored. When we get bored, we look for things to do or sit around and do nothing. Do you need a more balanced work/life situation? Do you want to spend more time with your family? Or more time working? Perhaps it’s time to give up something? Maybe you’re doing too much of one thing and not so much of the other. As you go about this week, consider what moderation and balance mean to you.

Thanks for reading. If you enjoyed this or it resonated with you, please let me know by leaving a comment. Suppose it didn’t resonate; perhaps you know someone who might benefit from this message. Please share it with them. Thanks again for reading, and have a great week!



Jason Almirez-Taglianetti
Tarot Journeys

Intuitive tarot practitioner and lightworker writing to help people find healing, guidance, and insights.