What should we focus on, embrace, and release today.

March 10, 2023

Jason Almirez-Taglianetti
Tarot Journeys
4 min readMar 10, 2023


Photo by Lena Taranenko on Unsplash

Welcome friends. I hope you’re having a great week. Let’s dive in to see what the cards have for us today.

Our first card shows us what to focus on today. The card that fell out of the deck for us is the Ten of Cups.

This card has been coming up fairly often in these daily readings, so I know there’s a message here that we need to notice. The Ten of Cups shows two adults standing, one with their arms around the other. While two kids play and dance nearby. I read this as a family having a great day. Things are happy and joyous. They delight in seeing the rainbow. Within it, we see ten cups.

This card is a happy one. Full of joy and wonder. Kids are playing, and the adults are happy. The landscape looks lush and vibrant. This is the life is a good card. Tens are about completion, but the kind of completion that often begs us to look at what’s next for us. Usually, when we finish one thing, there’s another thing for us after that. And so this card tells us to celebrate some accomplishment or achievement. To focus on the joy in our lives today. Maybe plan a trip to the park, spend the day at the lake, or swim with your family. Whatever it is, celebrate the life you have and the life you’re building with your family and friends. Focus on the positive.

Our next card, the high priestess, shows the priestess sitting on a chair or a slab between two pillars. One light, one dark. Behind her, there is a veil covering what appears to be a watery landscape behind her. She has a moon on her crown and a crescent moon at her feet. Her robe seems to flow like water at her feet.

The High Priestess — A woman sits on a throne guarding the entrance to a temple of secret knowledge

This card is all about secret knowledge and intuition. She is the balance to the Magician card in the Major Arcana. The Magician is a master of all of the elements in our world, and the High Priestess is a master of all things in the mind. She is also a guardian and keeps that knowledge as well. We must go through her to learn more about this part of our minds. We must prove ourselves worthy. She reminds us that this knowledge is available to all of us. We have to seek it out.

As the card that shows us what to embrace today, she tells us to embrace our knowledge. To trust our instincts and our intuition. If you feel like something isn’t right, chances are it isn’t. Your intuition is right more often than you might realize. Embrace that and use it today. Embrace your magic today.

Our last card, the card that shows us what to release and what to let go of, is the Nine of Wands.

Nine of Wands — A battle weary mans satnd holding a wand. behind him are eight more wands set up like a fence.

We see a battle-worn man holding onto a wand while eight more wands are standing behind him. They appear like a fence. The man seems weary as his gaze looks to the left and perhaps behind him. Whenever I see this card, I often wonder what crazy situation has brought him to this moment in his life. What kind of battle did he escape from?

As a card that tells us what to release, this tells us to let go of the boundaries that keep things from getting close to us. I see the wands behind as a fence. A border protecting him from anything that might want to harm him. In his case, the wall might be warranted. However, fences often keep everything out, the bad and the good. Today is a day to let down your guard a little. Let people see who you are. Let them get to know you. You’ll find you have all the protection you need without fences or walls. And you’ll find that most people don’t have the desire to cause harm. It’s understandable, though, to be wary. I think we should all be attentive to some extent, but letting people in to see us as we are is often a sign of strength, not weakness.

Thanks for reading today. If you enjoyed this or if it resonated with you, please leave a comment and let me know. If it didn’t resonate, consider sharing this with someone who might enjoy this message today. Thanks again for reading, and have a great day!




Jason Almirez-Taglianetti
Tarot Journeys

Intuitive tarot practitioner and lightworker writing to help people find healing, guidance, and insights.