What do the cards have for us today?

Daily Tarot Reading — March 2, 2023

Jason Almirez-Taglianetti
Tarot Journeys
4 min readMar 2, 2023


Welcome friends. I had a more challenging time than usual waking up this morning. It must be a Thursday thing. Almost the end of the week, not entirely, though. I hope you’re having a great week. Let’s dive in and see what the cards have for us today.

Our first card is the 10 of cups. This card shows a rainbow in the sky with 10 cups. Two adults stand with their arms extended to the rainbow while two kids dance and play. In the distance, you can see a farmhouse and a river running through a lush landscape.

This card is truly happy. It signifies that our life is going well. Things are good today. There is joy and happiness in abundance. We are content with how things are going. We feel good about things today. Tens focus on completing the end of a cycle but in a way that suggests something is next because an ending is always the beginning of something new. Something else. So this card tells us about a joyous conclusion, but what’s next for us? What do we do now? Do we start a new project? Maybe we’ve finished a project phase and are now moving on to the next part. Whatever it is, there is joy surrounding it. Go with that. Enjoy that feeling as you progress towards the next thing. It’ll carry you forward and will serve you well.

Our advice card is the Knight of Cups. In this card, we see a knight holding a cup. He is riding a white horse, and it appears to be in motion with two hooves off the ground. In the background, we can see a small river with mountains just beyond it. There are wings on the knights’ helmets and feet, symbols of Hermes, the messenger god. The knight of cups is a messenger bringing us some message. The cups are a symbol of our emotional mind and our emotions.

As a card bringing us advice, this messenger is telling us to be true and swift. Perhaps we need to take the message from our first card, a message of joy and happiness and share it with others today. Just as the knight is about to cross the river and head into mountainous terrain, this might not be as easy as you think. But if you stay true, you shouldn’t have too much trouble sharing joy with the people around you today. Make someone smile today. And in doing so, you will also continue to have good vibes for yourself.

Our takeaway card today is the Three of Swords. A few cards in the deck can make people’s hearts sink to the floor. This is one of them. This card shows three swords piercing a large red heart. There are clouds in the sky, and it’s raining. This card is about loss and grief. Usually, when this card comes up, it speaks to us of heartbreak. Or a break up of a relationship or partnership of some kind. This could be in the form of a love relationship or signaling the breakup of your band or a group of friends. The swords are about our intellect and the conscious mind, so this card can also be about the end of a workgroup or the dissolving of a business just as much as it can signal rejection and be rejected.

In our takeaway position, this card doesn’t tell us that a breakup or a loss will happen; instead, it asks us to look deep within ourselves and what rejection and loss mean for ourselves. In doing so, we might be able to change our thoughts around this idea and perhaps change how we react to it when it happens to us. Perhaps we’ve had a terrible relationship with loss and would like to navigate it more healthily the next time it comes up. Today would be a great day to spend some time thinking about that. As you think about loss and rejection, see what comes up for you and how you might change it within yourself. This kind of thing is not for the faint of heart, so if you do spend some time with this, please do it in a safe place, in a safe manner. And please do take care of yourself and those around you today. And remember that today is about joy and spreading the message of joy with others.

Thanks for reading today. If you enjoyed this or if it resonated with you, please leave a comment and let me know. If it didn’t resonate with you, perhaps there is someone in your life who might want to hear this message today. Please share it with them. Thanks again for reading, and have a great day!




Jason Almirez-Taglianetti
Tarot Journeys

Intuitive tarot practitioner and lightworker writing to help people find healing, direction and hope in their daily lives.