What do the cards have for us today?

Jason Almirez-Taglianetti
Tarot Journeys
Published in
5 min readMar 21, 2023


Photo by Airis Nikolaeva on Unsplash

Welcome friends. I hope that you had a great start to your week. In this reading, we’ll look at some ideas on what to focus on for today. So here we go.

Our first card in our spread is today’s focus — the Two of Pentacles.

Two of Pentacles — A man juggles two pentacles, one in each hand. there is a ribbon around them that looks like an infinity symbol

This card depicts a man juggling two pentacles surrounded by a ribbon resembling an infinity symbol. His feet indicate that he might also be dancing while he juggles. In the background, we see an ocean with rough seas. There are two ships in the background. One small, one large.

In this card, we see a duality between the two pentacles. Pentacles are associated with the element of earth and are about earthly things and concerns — work, finances, property, sexuality, etc. With the juggler, I see him trying to juggle things like finances or something at work. The infinity symbols show us that this is going to go on forever. That this juggle he’s doing is not going to end anytime soon. He’ll always have to juggle things as long as he keeps trying to make it work. It’s a never-ending cycle that, unfortunately, we all have to deal with. As long as there is work, we must constantly juggle work with our personal life.

This isn’t all doom and gloom here. The man in this card is dancing. And dancing implies a bit of fun to be had here. As the focus card, this card asks us to focus on this juggling in our work or finances. Instead, focus on how you’re juggling things. Perhaps it’s time to find a way to make everything work for you. To be better at the juggle itself. If we have to do it, we might as well make the most of it, right? Have fun with it. Make it a game. Set up a points system for yourself. Or Reward yourself with treats. Whatever it takes to make it fun! But make it fun! Focus on this today.

Our next card shows us an energy to embrace for today. That card is The Star.

In The Star, a nude woman is pouring water from two pitchers — one on land and the other in a lake or pond. The landscape rises behind her. In the sky, we see one large star and seven smaller stars. All of them have eight points.

This is a card all about replenishment and refreshing things. The woman is adding water to both the land and the sea. It is said that the water in her pitchers is the water of life. She pours this water on the land and seas evenly. This could symbolize the life-giving rain that brings about new crops and plants. But this could also remind us that we need this for ourselves too. Perhaps we’ve come through a tough time, and now it’s time to refresh ourselves. Or that we have been refreshed. The fact that she is nude indicates that she has nothing to hide. That she is pure in her intentions.

Today, embrace the idea of replenishment. Allow yourself to feel the water of life upon you and feel that sense of refreshment. Take today with refreshed eyes and thoughts. Don’t go into old ways or get caught up in old ideas. Let yourself truly be refreshed.

Our last card for today is the Three of Swords, which shows us what to release.

In the three of swords, we see a heart being with three swords stuck inside it. There are dark clouds, and the rain is falling. This is not a happy card. It screams heartbreak, grief, and loss. Good thing it lands in our release spot for today. As the card of release, it shows us that we should let go of any negativity. The swords are the suit of air and represent thoughts. And so here we see the heartbreak, grief, or loss as one of a mental or intellectual nature. So it’s not our emotions but our minds. When things are in our minds, we control them; We can choose different thoughts. When it’s in our feelings, it’s tougher to change that. Thoughts can be changed quickly and easily. And today, that’s what this card is asking of us. To let go of any thoughts of grief or sadness. Because it is genuinely just in our thoughts, let go of it and focus on the positive. To bring it back on the first card, focus on how you will make things work today. Focus on how you will crush all those projects that seem too much for you today! Go you! Be a badass! Don’t let the negative get you down!

Thanks for reading today. If this resonated with you or if you enjoyed this, please leave a comment and let me know. It means a lot to me to hear from my readers. If it didn’t resonate with you, consider sharing this with a friend who might need to hear this today. Thanks again for reading, and have a great day!

On a side note, I’m offering tarot readings for just $5 to grow as a reader and support my work. If you’re interested, please visit the link here.




Jason Almirez-Taglianetti
Tarot Journeys

Intuitive tarot practitioner and lightworker writing to help people find healing, guidance, and insights.